2020-09-10 - Samvera Branch Renaming Working Group

2020-09-10 - Samvera Branch Renaming Working Group


New action items:

  • Draft rampup doc including why we're pausing and how we're going to complete the work (Jeremy Friesen )
  • Outline document for the CCMWG (Kate Lynch )

Carried over items:

  • Kate Lynch will work through Lynette’s document using Esme’s script
  • Write shell script that presumes the github-default-branch script has run, this script would update local usage (Jeremy Friesen )

  • Dev Congress Proposal of Samvera Labs cleanup and promotion of Labs (Jeremy Friesen )

  • Spreadsheet for Samvera Labs to show what we've migrated and what remains (Collin Brittle )


  • Review action items 
  • Discuss Github's plans and how they impact our work
  • Guidance Document for Core Component Maintenance WG

Meeting Materials



Guidance Document for CCMWG

  • Would like to have it completed by week of September 21st

Review action items from last week

Github announcement discussion

  • github covering all of our use cases? Maybe?  What about updating wiki pages, devops work tools, etc.
  • This WG should wait until end of year and re-form then keeping an eye on GH until then?
  • All in agreement that waiting for GH support best.
  • Need to watch the scope of GH support and prepare tools/instructions for cases not covered - wiki pages, our docucumentation (like CONTRIBUTING.md)
  • Why is waiting a good idea?
    • Reduced cognitive load
    • Less disruptive technically
    • GH is helping solve the problem and can help support if arise issues
    • Mindful of our resources
  • Need to decide and writeup about how we're keeping a watch on things and how we're going to ramp back up
  • Goal: pass off doc to CCMWG and let them implement it
  • Action item: draft rampup doc including why we're pausing and how we're going to complete the work (Jeremy Friesen )
  • Action item: outline document for the CCMWG (Kate Lynch )

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