August 9, 2019

August 9, 2019

Samvera Partners Call
Friday, June 14, 2019
11:30 am  |  Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-05:00)  |  1 hr 

Meeting number: 737 192 431 
Meeting password:h9cwrT45

Join from a video conferencing system or application
Dial  738605799@tufts.webex.com

Join by phone
+1-617-627-6767 US Toll
Access code: 737 192 431 

Code of Conduct

We want Samvera Community to be a fun, informative, engaging event for all our partners and participants. We've got a few strategies to help make this happen:

    1. We encourage everyone to apply the Samvera community principles of openness, inquiry, and respect in their interactions at the event.

    2. We have officially adopted an Anti-Harassment Policy.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to community helpers 


Facilitator: Hannah Frost

Note Taker: Ryan Steans


Hannah Frost

Carolyn Caizzi

Richard Green

Rachel Lynn

Mike Korcynski (Tufts)

Esmé Cowles  (Princeton)

Karen Cariani (WGBH)

Stuart Kenny (Digital Repository of Ireland/TCD)

Glen Horton (Cincinnati)

Franny Gaede (Oregon Digital)

rsteans - Avalon/ NU

Maria Whitaker  - Indiana University

Jon Dunn - Indiana University

Discussion items


Next meeting - facilitator, note taker

  • facilitator:  Franny Gaede
  • note taker:  Mike Korcynski

Report out on the visioning exercise 

Carolyn:  With changes to Samvera Steering, do some visioning for next 5 years

At Partners in April, groups got together to look at 8 questions

Reported out on groups and came up with a pithy vision statement

Go back and look at data, reviewed for commonalities

Hannah:  Carolyn, Hannah and Ryan looked at raw data

Process - split up questions, sifted through notes groups made on those questions, found big things that stuck out.

Then, did a frequency analysis to examine how often ideas repeated as a response

Now:  we've processed the data, distilled it to "the results".  Can discuss results, can create the vision out of this work

Question 1 - End users was a big surprise

Question 2 - Produce value?  Sustainable, something solid you can trust, sustain content and sustained in organization

"User featured focus"

Question 4 - overwhelming trend toward shared contributions to a technology stack 

Question 5 - almost everyone:  elements of what we are structured w/ roadmap council, etc...  helps set direction, governance structure helps us listen to needs of the community

  • keeping pace with what world is doing, adopting and incorporating emerging technologies

Question 6 - clear shared sense of purpose, expanded who is involved in the development of Samvera (different orgs participating, GLAM, vendors, etc...)

Question 7 - even spread across a variety of unsurprising organizations

Question 8 - healthy financial reserves and sustainable financial situation, well defined technical roadmap, mature governance structure, benefits of Samvera easily seen and valued

Vision Statements - most frequent: Flexible, extendible solution for content management

Recommendations - get some feedback on process and results, now charge a group of partner volunteers

Get some new voices in to look at the results to help pull this together for marketing, contribution, etc... to pull together a report and statement

Next steps

What is the most important audience for the visison?  The community itself?  Those outside the community looking in?  Or both?

Should be a shared vision reflecting the community at all levels (reps from development, decision makers, repo managers, etc...) 

Volunteers - what is the goal?  Group to consider who will leverage this statement, contribution models and fundraising, thinking hard about that to have a formal connection to this process so it ultimately supports those efforts.  Someone who is a contributor to code, active participation from repo managers, and manager level.  

Once that core group is formed, they'll have to come up with a plan, iterate on the information and creating and refining statements.

Jon Dunn - Prioritization of staff hiring may be impacted  Spending rec's to community - provide bridge to steering. 

Hannah:  If we can only hire one person for Samvera, what is the primary thrust?  Looking at the results - could inform that conversation.

details of how we're going to hire isn't in vision, but facing goals of sustainability, etc...

Determine if we're doing this FOR the community or FROM the community

Figuring out how missions and visions align - strategic directions of partners - look at how their statements tie to ours 

see if there's a likely candidate from the RMC to help

Vision statements can be specific and a little outrageous - vision statement produces some creative tension for us, moving forward and not just reacting.  Should be provactive and inspiring in Blue Sky sense.

Should dare us to achieve something greater.

How to volunteer:  notes available - send a request to the list.  Also reach out to key constituencies (RMC, marketing, etc...) to reach out to those groups to get active involvement or a sounding board to this work.

For next time:  Report out on progress from the group working on visioning.

For next time:  how effective are these partner meetings?  Who attends?  What gets pushed forward?  Karen can't make the next meeting.  - 

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