MODS and RDF Call: 2018-10-29
MODS and RDF Call: 2018-10-29
Time: 9 AM PDT / Noon EDT
Call-In Info: 712-775-7035 (Access Code: 960009)
- Mapping recommendations (original)
- Mapping recommendations (clean, sent for comment)
- Feedback form
Moderator: Eben English
Notetaker: TK (Etherpad: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/MODS_and_RDF_Call__2018-10-29)
Agenda (with notes)
- Feedback Form Responses (no new entries as of 10/29)
- Email Responses (no new entries as of 10/29)
- Outstanding Comments on Recommendations document
- <mods:title> (minted object)
- "supplied" designation
- bibliotek-o is deprecated, we should not use these
- BF has no support for this concept
- Could simply recommend that supplied status be indicated by brackets in title value and/or explanatory note
- Could use opaquenamespace
- "supplied" designation
- MODS note
- having noteType as subclass helps with interoperability (everyone using the same note type) but BF not creating controlled vocab so there are no type URIs to use here
- simpler to keep note types as text here
- keep example as is with text and add info about best practice is to create subclass for note type
- mods subject
- pre-coordinated subject headings questions
- we approached this is a FAST-ish way to explode pre-coordinated subjects but could be problematic if there are multiple pre-coord subjects
- FAST philosophy is that pre-coord isn't helpful to begin with anyway
- Julie will try Example 7 using MADS/RDF and see what happens
- FAST vs LCSH - how comparable are they? should be FAST equivalents except for when there are free-form combinations in LCSH that aren't as easily automated
- FAST approach is faceted application applying subject pieces as you need them without worrying about order and combination
- also need better documentation at beginning of this section
- we approached this is a FAST-ish way to explode pre-coordinated subjects but could be problematic if there are multiple pre-coord subjects
- geographic coordinates as subject p. 95 example 12
- comment supplies really complex recommendation that requires even more object minting
- DCMI box and point specs are getting old (2006) but not sure if they are out of date or not
- Samvera Geopredicates WG documentation: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B3s6m1gxi006N3p1anBpbmZuOEU
- might be schema.org predicates that can help (schema:latitude, schema:longitude, schema:box) - might be more accessible
- expected to be used with coordinate and space objects instead of place objects so that might be problem or complication
- could stick with edm:Place class only; could use rdau class for geographic object: http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/u/P60109
- examples work now, information is all there, machine readable if you know content standard being used, programming logic needed to use info
- maybe keep example as is and add information at beginning that there are other options for providing coordinate-based information depending on needs
- pre-coordinated subject headings questions
- <mods:title> (minted object)
- TODOs:
- Next meeting: Monday November 26
, multiple selections available,