Samvera Connect 2018 - SIGAHR Breakout Session
- How much do we really hate the acronym?
- Discussion about acronym
- Poll might be sent out regarding renaming
- Discussion about making community aware that SIGAHR is open
Current status of the roadmap
What is done
Review via roadmap link above
What is in progress
Review via roadmap link above
Bulk import/export
How do we include/add smaller features to roadmap?
Improve communication & process for small features
- Look at Milestones & Backlog
- Voting on Github Issues can be used to "weight" or prioritize features
- Smaller features can maybe be delivered separately from roadmap
- Discussion: Samvera needs more resources from community to add these features/work from roadmap
- Recharter working group
- Address roadmap list & stability
- Timeline difficult to make but hopefully by next Samvera Connect
- Assign estimates on how many resources required to add feature (not feature branches but delivering continuously via sprints)
Discussion around prioritization of features
SIGAHR democratizes leadership as well as decision-making around priorities
Community gets involved in SIGAHR
Discussion around having community members vote on issues (plus 1)
Good habit
Not just for tech actionable
Issue could be write up of needed feature
SIGAHR communicates those priorities that the community decides on
Review of Permissions (Group/Responsibility Management on Roadmap)
Working Group has laid groundwork for developing a technical spec
Hyrax can do work that address existing needs while the Working Group develops larger technical spec
Reasonable to make the improvements we know how to make
What is the minimum changeset to address problems (maybe led by Avalon)?
Make issues for smaller chunks if possible
What may fall off
Depending on Resources, low-priority items will be removed from the roadmap
Community needs to contribute resources (dev, time, money, etc.)
Avalon Update and Alignment
Future Roadmap
revisit roadmap & timeline at each SIGAHR meeting
current roadmap will not be presented at next Samvera Connect
- Current roadmap is the first roadmap we have had
- Once current roadmap complete:
- Push pause on new feature add
- Doesn't mean new features won't be added
- This is a time and feature horizon
- Polish/clean up Hyrax
- Goal: make it easier for users to maintain & extend
- Example: Citation generation cleanup/polish
- Goal: make it easier for users to maintain & extend
- Focus on stability of core Hyrax functionality
- Push pause on new feature add
- Future of Input (fallout from the usage survey)
- Only 19 responses this year; previously had 47
- Discussion around how we get usage/feedback
- Find a way to gather information and share that with the community
- Example: Valkyrie...don't even know what members want/need on this front
- Include Feedback/Survey as part of registration for Samvera connecct
- Include Github API for baseline stats
- Include contact with institutions/members
- Find a way to gather information and share that with the community