Smith, Roger
Roger Smith
University of California San Diego Library
Director, Digital Library Development Program
Statement of Purpose: I am eager to put my name forward to serve on the Samvera Steering Group. As the director of our Digital Library Development Program for the past five years I have been an active member of our digital library community. At UC San Diego, my unit is one of a cluster of programs that includes ITS/Application Development, Metadata Services, Digital User Services, and Research Data Curation that work together to guide our repository; its infrastructure, content, and services. Our work is fundamentally collaborative in nature. With respect to working with multiple institutions, I have chaired a University of California wide preservation advisory group as well as chaired several standing committees in the American Library Association Preservation and Reformatting Section. I was recently elected California statewide president for the Librarians Association of the University of California.
I feel well prepared to extend my experiences to a more active role in this multi institutional repository collaborative. In that role, I foresee emphasizing goals of transparency, resource stewardship, and concrete deliverables for the institutions participating in the community. I am encouraged by recent efforts and future plans to enrich marketing materials, and hope such work matures into a mechanism to better communicate value and to clarify expectations both for member institutions and potential partners. I would be pleased to serve in this capacity with an eye toward assuring a future for Samvera that delivers robust, flexible, and evolving repository solutions. I appreciate your consideration of me for this role. Thank you, Roger