Hyrax Metadata Ordering Call 2018-03-21
Hyrax Metadata Ordering Call 2018-03-21
Connection Info:
3-4pm Eastern
Notetaker: Juliet Hardesty
- Evaluation spreadsheet - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1J7-aGnSMnRQaV4MCmHW_Vr4gzEFn-S7v759XbYl-DUY/edit?usp=sharing
- tech questions sometimes hard to answer definitively; might need more info
- Josh Gum (Oregon State) will be at LDCX and interested in working on this at code level - anyone else going to be there?
- Ryan Wick, Julie H, Arwen, 3-4 devs from NU, Drew and Jason from WGBH
- UVA solution (U Mich based on this)
- not sure of effect on Fedora data
- Sufia 7.4 (not Hyrax)
- records are also in library catalog and does retain an order
- Google searching does not retain order, however (screen shots)
- so maybe internal UVA library systems retain order but not external systems
- does effect Solr - telling Solr how to sort
- not sure if it is a feature (can be turned on/off)
- RDF-based but not sure if local URI or storing elsewhere
- only storing text for values, not storing URIs
- ORCIDs showing but not sure if those are stored or brought in dynamically
- UVA creating objects for people
- UMich solution
- UVA does both ordered string helper and separate model per person as well; have 2 different things happening
- UMich - just uses ordered string helper, no separate model for creators
- lots of files touched
- ordered field is separate predicate (mods:name), used for Solr display
- Hyrax
- 2 examples, one showing all 3 names and then property with 3 names ordered; second example shows 1 author and then property with that name and 2 others ordered; there is mismatch and this could be problem that these get out of sync
- config option to turn on/off
- added to collection model for creators of collections and can also order for creators for works
- only doing this for creator
- ordering is not preserved for external/Google Scholar view
- Penn State
- similar to UVA
- local predicate called creatorList - delimited list of text
- text only
- not sure about Fedora
- Google Scholar meta tags are not ordered
- RDF based with local predicate
- Sufia - only one script edited
- looking at using hydra-pcdm for ordered members but hasn’t happened yet
- Durham
- similar to everyone else’s
- no new predicate for everything ordered
- individual values are wrapped with order number and code unwraps them and turns them into array based on parsed order number
- Fedora data effected - thing being stored isn’t just value, it’s wrapped with order info
- not sure if it is unwrapped and parsed before Solr or after Solr
- Sufia
- couldn’t see in Google Scholar but depends where value comes from - could be unwrapped but not sure GS would understand ordering info
- not sure if it would conflict with anything Hyrax
- more complicated than new predicate
- not a feature to turn on/off
- only text values
- names and related objects that need to be ordered
- related objects ordering is similar to how UVA names are ordered with property that has text list
- each contributor is a new object and each time there is a contribution, there’s a new object (same person can have multiple objects)
- pcdm ordering might be something to use for ordering related objects but not sure if this is happening
- Are we done evaluating?
- boils down to 2 methods
- objects for people that are then ordered for the digital object or simple property that orders things using text only
- 3rd hypothetical method using PCDM ordered members but no one seems to have that working yet, it just seems possible
- Do we have enough info?
- Looks like we have enough info to begin writing
- Julie will start Google doc to summarize - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bfCJsu7kTwjb2uu5D-TdKR_YFauMICkz4vnK59J7CZ0/edit?usp=sharing
- Comparison discussion (if ready)
- see notes under “Are we done evaluating?"
- Next steps and schedule next meeting
schedule for 3-4 weeks from today and see how Google doc summaries are coming along
see if we can make recommendation decision at next meeting
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