2017-07-26 Meeting

2017-07-26 Meeting

Time: July 26, 3:00 PM ET / 1:00 PM MT / 12:00 PM PT

Google Hangouthttps://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/ualberta.ca/geo-pred

Facilitator: John Huck

Notetaker:  James Griffin


Agenda / Notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_giUg6ONpD7XD5GzEmtVT5CXuDBdw9xwW7ddsVtvr3g/edit?usp=sharing

  • Review the Working Group charter Objectives.

    • 1. Research and define what can be said to constitute default metadata in Samvera.

    • 2. Resolve the question of whether Samvera metadata predicates must be published URIs.

    • 3. Identify the set of necessary specialized metadata elements that default Samvera metadata lacks (e.g., bounding box, scale, projection, coordinate reference system, others?).

    • 4. Compile information about available predicate options for each required element, as well as information about the decisions taken by other initiatives now underway, including LDP4P, Samvera MODS 2 RDF WG, DPLA, GeoWorks, other public Samvera collections, or others.

    • 5. Evaluate available predicate options for each required element, select one or more to recommend, and document the rationale.

  • Discuss possible stages

    • 1. / 2. / 3., then 4., then 5.?

  • Discuss timeline, project milestones

    • Samvera Connect?

    • Geo4LibCamp?

  • Discuss possible working methods

    • Work separately and report back?

    • Form sub-groups (2-3 people) to tackle tasks?

    • GitHub repo?

    • Zoom vs. Google Hangouts?

  • Identify groups to survey or work with

    • Identify potential connections people in our group have to those groups.

  • Schedule next meeting