URI Selection Working Group

Scope & Objectives

This working group acts as a standing working group within the Samvera Metadata Interest Group to review any requests for new vocabulary terms (predicates and controlled vocab/values) from the Samvera Community to be added to the Samvera Vocab Manager.

Deliverables & Timeframe

This group is scheduled to meet bi-weekly to review requests for new terms to be added to the Samvera Vocab Manager. If no requests are outstanding, meetings do not need to be held. As such, the working group does not have a sunset date but members on the group will sunset off after 1 year. Deliverables will be new predicates and new controlled vocabulary terms added to the Samvera Vocab Manager to be used by the Samvera Community and others for RDF/Linked Data needs.

Record and update best practices for review process.

Call for Community Submissions of Predicates

Meeting Times & Communication Channels

Communication will take place on the samvera-tech list and the #metadata Slack channel.

Meetings: Next meeting January 26th, 9:00am PDT (Agenda)  

Connection info:  WebEx: https://oregonstate.webex.com/meet/wickroregonstate.edu / Access Code: 920 757 406 / Phone: 1-415-655-0002


Note that Work