21 January 2016 Geospatial

21 January 2016 Geospatial

Time:  1pm Eastern / 10am Pacific. 

Call-In Info: Dial +1 (641) 715 3660, room 651025#

Moderator: Darren Hardy




  1. Roll Call

  2. Call for Agenda Items

  3. Next Call

    1. Date: Thu 17 March 2016
    2. Moderator: Darren Hardy
    3. Notetaker: John Huck
  4. Announcements: 
    1. Phone number has changed to +1 (641) 715 3660, room 651025#
  5. GIS data modeling WG update (Eliot)
  6. Geo4LibCamp 2016 update (Darren)
  7. Geo4LibCamp discussion
    1. potential topics for breakout groups
    2. Thu/Fri agenda
  8. Open Repositories 2016 workshop proposal
  9. Call for new WGs? RDF and metadata?


    1. Roll Call

      1. Eliot (Princeton)

      2. John (U Alberta)

      3. Kim, Jack, Darren (Stanford)

      4. James Griffin (Lafayette College)

      5. Mara Blake (Michigan)

      6. Mollie Webb + P. Kieran Etienne (Washington U)

    2. Call for Agenda Items

    3. Next Call

      1. Date: Thu 17 March 2016
      2. Moderator: 
      3. Notetaker: 
    4. Announcements: 
      1. Phone number has changed to +1 (641) 715 3660, room 651025#
    5. GIS data modeling WG update (Eliot)
      1. First sprint in November, a second sprint planned in the next month or so.
      2. Changes to the model to support compatibility with various parts of the Hydra stack (Hydra works, Curation concerns).
      3. James Griffin has been in contact with the metadata working group to seek advice about working with non-RDF predicates. This may eventually lead to a new working group
    6. Open Repositories 2016 workshop proposal
      1. Deadline is in a few weeks.
      2. Darren's thoughts about presenting a workshop: a full day, perhaps composed of the workshops presented at Geo4Lib camp.
      3. Eliot is also interested in participating
      4. Jack suggests aiming for a cohesive presentation of the different topics.
      5. Kim will help out and thinks a full day metadata workshop may be too much.
      6. Kim suggests introducing more about the linked data/RDF context of Fedora 4.
    7. Geo4LibCamp 2016 update (Darren)
      1. Darren added a Sunday night dinner.
      2. Darren will send out a final update, with information about current weather.
      3. 40 people attending from 22 institutions.
      4. 15 people are signed up for the Thursday/Friday days
    8. Geo4LibCamp discussion
      1. potential topics for breakout groups
        1. Need to find someone to pitch each topic.
        2. Link is now on the Geo4Lib website for the statements of interest from participants.
      2. Thu/Fri agenda
        1. Provides a venue for people to do work, either collaboratively or in consultation.
        2. The format is open.
    9. Call for new WGs? RDF and metadata?
      1. Requirements: Scope, objectives, deliverables, timeframes, regular meetings.
      2. Find a volunteer to draft the first two or three of these items.
      3. Kim volunteers, and the topic will be discussed further at the Geo4Lib camp.
    10. The call ends at 1:30 pm Eastern / 10:30 am Pacific.