21 January 2016 Geospatial
21 January 2016 Geospatial
Time: 1pm Eastern / 10am Pacific.
Call-In Info: Dial +1 (641) 715 3660, room 651025#
Moderator: Darren Hardy
Roll Call
Call for Agenda Items
Next Call
- Date: Thu 17 March 2016
- Moderator: Darren Hardy
- Notetaker: John Huck
- Announcements:
- Phone number has changed to +1 (641) 715 3660, room 651025#
- GIS data modeling WG update (Eliot)
- Geo4LibCamp 2016 update (Darren)
- Geo4LibCamp discussion
- potential topics for breakout groups
- Thu/Fri agenda
- Open Repositories 2016 workshop proposal
- Call for new WGs? RDF and metadata?
Roll Call
Eliot (Princeton)
John (U Alberta)
Kim, Jack, Darren (Stanford)
James Griffin (Lafayette College)
Mara Blake (Michigan)
Mollie Webb + P. Kieran Etienne (Washington U)
Call for Agenda Items
Next Call
- Date: Thu 17 March 2016
- Moderator:
- Notetaker:
- Announcements:
- Phone number has changed to +1 (641) 715 3660, room 651025#
- GIS data modeling WG update (Eliot)
- First sprint in November, a second sprint planned in the next month or so.
- Changes to the model to support compatibility with various parts of the Hydra stack (Hydra works, Curation concerns).
- James Griffin has been in contact with the metadata working group to seek advice about working with non-RDF predicates. This may eventually lead to a new working group
- Open Repositories 2016 workshop proposal
- Deadline is in a few weeks.
- Darren's thoughts about presenting a workshop: a full day, perhaps composed of the workshops presented at Geo4Lib camp.
- Eliot is also interested in participating
- Jack suggests aiming for a cohesive presentation of the different topics.
- Kim will help out and thinks a full day metadata workshop may be too much.
- Kim suggests introducing more about the linked data/RDF context of Fedora 4.
- Geo4LibCamp 2016 update (Darren)
- Darren added a Sunday night dinner.
- Darren will send out a final update, with information about current weather.
- 40 people attending from 22 institutions.
- 15 people are signed up for the Thursday/Friday days
- Geo4LibCamp discussion
- potential topics for breakout groups
- Need to find someone to pitch each topic.
- Link is now on the Geo4Lib website for the statements of interest from participants.
- Thu/Fri agenda
- Provides a venue for people to do work, either collaboratively or in consultation.
- The format is open.
- potential topics for breakout groups
- Call for new WGs? RDF and metadata?
- Requirements: Scope, objectives, deliverables, timeframes, regular meetings.
- Find a volunteer to draft the first two or three of these items.
- Kim volunteers, and the topic will be discussed further at the Geo4Lib camp.
- The call ends at 1:30 pm Eastern / 10:30 am Pacific.