19 Mar 2015
19 Mar 2015
Time: 1pm Eastern / 10am Pacific.
Call-In Info: Dial 1-530-881-1400, room 651025#
Moderator: Darren Hardy (Stanford)
Notetaker: Eliot Jordan (Princeton)
- Tom Brittnacher
- Lynne Grigsby
- John Huck
- James R. Griffin III
- Eliot Jordan
- Matthew Sisk
- Jay Varner
- Robin Shane Coleman
- Ed Brooks (Virginia Tech)
Wayne Graham (U. of Virginia)
Roll Call
Call for Agenda Items
Next Call
- Date: 16 Apr 2015
- Moderator: Jack Reed
- Notetaker: Bess Sadler
- Review communication channels (hydra-community/hydra-tech mailing lists)
- IRC Channels
- General recommendation is to use the main hydra channel until traffic increases to point where a new channel is needed
Server: chat.freenode.net
Channel: #projecthydra
- IRC Channels
- Discussion on institutions' next steps toward a geospatial Hydra implementation
- Stanford
- Launching of Hydra implementation for spatial data in April
- Working with PR department and timing launch to coincide with Earth Day
- Need to prove that the library is part of the scientific data management workflow and is relevant to the sciences to keep funding levels up
- Need to prove that the library is part of the scientific data management workflow and is relevant to the sciences to keep funding levels up
- Culmination of several years of work accessioning GIS data and establishing workflows for:
- Metadata creation
- Loading datasets into a spatial data infrastructure
- Adding layers into a discovery service
- GIS data is modeled in the repository for long term preservation
- Using common hydra ecosystem components: Fedora, Solr, Rails, Blacklight, GeoBlacklight, Solr
- Looking to migrate from Fedora 3 to 4 with linked data features and model GIS data as linked data
- Next steps are the launch and accessioning more GIS content
- Gearing up to do a GIS self-deposit interface within the next year
- Like Sufia for shapefiles
- Interested in collaborators
- One challenge is scanned maps without georeferenced control points
- Looking at how to accession georeferenced content into the repository that relates it back to the original scan and paper map
- Potentially using crowd sourcing for the georeferencing work
- Looking at how to accession georeferenced content into the repository that relates it back to the original scan and paper map
- Berkeley
- In transition, but the plan is to go down the path with hydra
- Self deposit functionality on hold
- Currently have an OpenGeoPortal instance
- Have many digitized maps, and looking into how best to get metadata and spatial information for these
- In transition, but the plan is to go down the path with hydra
- Univ. of Alberta
- The goal is to use Hydra as the repository for all digital collections
- Starting with implementing Sufia as an institutional repository in the next couple of months
- Historical collections, including maps, are next
- Scanned maps and shapefiles will probably come in as parts of other collections
- Scanned maps will be first follow by historical census data
- Alberta does have a Fedora repository with a custom interface, but are looking to migrate to Fedora 4
- The goal is to use Hydra as the repository for all digital collections
- UC Santa Barbara
- Starting over on hydra project with new fedora, but haven't gotten to geospatial.
Currently housing electronic dissertations and thesis, but will be moving on to special collections and scanned images
- Waiting for the geo component of the project to begin, but are looking at to using GeoBlacklight for discovery
- Right now, focusing on description and developing metadata standards and workflows for getting materials ready to go
- Have a lot scanned maps with MARC records with coordinate information, and are looking for ways to extract information from those as a starting point
- Princeton
- Starting a twelve week push to implement hydra for a number a number of resource types including digitized books and born-digital materials
- Geospatial will not be part of these initial sprints, but scanned maps and geo datasets are on the horizon
- Plan to begin testing GeoBlacklight instance this summer for a potential roll-out in August
- Notre Dame
- Hydra repository is one month old, and are in the planning stages for anything geospatial
- Repository is set up almost entirely for self-deposit
- Looking forward to self-deposit GIS material, but unsure of the demand
- Some of the geohydra tools are already rolled out on the smaller grant funded repository VecNet.
- Hydra repository is one month old, and are in the planning stages for anything geospatial
- Univ. of Virginia
- Migrating GIS content from a 10 year-old custom system
- Skipping the hydra component for now, but are in contact with another group in charge of hydra implementation at the university
- Hope to have a production service by the beginning of the fall semester
- Migrating GIS content from a 10 year-old custom system
- Lafayette College
- Heavily invested in the Islandora system for digital repository front end
- Working on two early prototypes for managing geospatial datasets
- Managing shapefiles with a content model somewhat similiar to what one finds in the Islandora community, and trying to refactor that into a community solution
- Converting shapefiles into KML and GeoJSON, and simplifying the geometry with Mike Bostock's TopoJSON tool.
- Exploring the development of a Sufia instance in the Spring semester
- Have issues related to georeferenced tiffs.
- Currently managing as Islandora large image objects
- Have had some success serving these as raster maps via geoserver
- Emory
- In the early stages of adopting hydra
- Attended most recent HydraCamp
- Have Geoserver and an instance of OpenGeoPortal
- Looking to migrating to Fedora 4
- Virginia Tech
- Development group working on Fedora/Hydra repository
- Working with GIS librarian on test instance of GeoBlacklight
- University has a number of groups using GIS; some using GeoServer and others using ESRI products
- Each department wants to maintain their own data
- Idea is to standardize metadata and host it through the library's GeoBlacklight instance
- One discovery system points to data stored in each department
- Stanford
- Hydra resources for the Interest Group
- Conferences,meetings,workshops
- Hydra Camp
- Open Repositories: Jun 8-11, Indianapolis
- Hydra Connect: Fall 2015, Minneapolis
- Conferences,meetings,workshops
- Identify specific common issue(s) for WG, perhaps:
- XSLT to transfer between metadata formats
- Stanford has a collection of XSLTs for converting ISO and FGDC to MODS and GeoBlacklight Schema
- Kim Durante will make these available to the group
- Jack commented that, in general, there isn't a great method for doing this and suggested that GeoCombine might be a good platform for developing these tools
- Kim mentioned that there are style sheets to convert from FGDC to XSLT
- Certain elements, IDs for instance, require extra work on the part of the institution
- This conversion is complicated by the fact that ISO standards have changed
- Darren spoke about GeoBlacklight Schema
- Dublin Core schema with additional elements that provide bounding box and other geospecific metadata
- Provides links to web services such as WMS
- Schema can be visualized with standard DC tools as well as ingested into GeoBlacklight
- Issues at the planning stage for moving forward
- Migrating from Fedora 3 to Fedora 4
- John mentioned that they are working to implement Sufia with Fedora 4 and that from a metadata point of view, this represents a lot of change
- Perhaps group can look at the implications of Fedora 4 and RDF?
- There are a lot of unanswered questions about how Fedora 4 handles metadata that is more complex than basic Dublin Core
- Lafayette college is looking to explore this in December
- Querying against Linked Data
- James asked if there are there any services built on top of or integrated into Fedora 4 that would support querying similar to SPARQL
- Jack and Darren thought is was a good idea to split the administrative layer, which might use tools like SPARQL, from the end-user discovery layer into separate concerns
- Migrating from Fedora 3 to Fedora 4
- Shared Data Model
- The group decided that there was enough interest in developing a shared model for GIS data in Fedora 4 to initiate a working group
- Initial participants include: Darren and Bess from Stanford, James from Lafayette College, John from Alberta, Eliot from Princeton, and Jay from Emory.
- Bess will reach out to contact at the University of New Hampshire who is currently working on this
- Eliot Jordan volunteered to be facilitator
- XSLT to transfer between metadata formats
, multiple selections available,