16 April 2015
16 April 2015
Time: 1pm Eastern / 10am Pacific.
Call-In Info: Dial 1-530-881-1400, room 651025#
Moderator: Jack Reed (Stanford)
Notetaker: Bess Sadler (Stanford)
- Jack Reed
- Eliot Jordan
- Shane Coleman
- jayvarner
- Former user (Deleted)
- Kim Durante
- mslemons
- llaliber
- John Huck
- Darren Hardy
Roll Call
Call for Agenda Items
Next Call
- Date: Thu 21 May 2015
- Moderator: Eliot Jordan
- Notetaker: Former user (Deleted)
- Review communication channels (hydra-community/hydra-tech mailing lists)
- IRC Channels
- General recommendation is to use the main hydra channel until traffic increases to point where a new channel is needed
Server: chat.freenode.net
Channel: #projecthydra
- IRC Channels
- Review notes from last meeting
- Announcements
Hydra Connect 2015, Minneapolis, Sep 21-24
- GeoBlacklight workshop
- authoring geo metadata
- inviting systems administrators to attend
- Report from Shared GIS Data Model WG (Eliot Jordan)
- Getting started... Eliot sent around a doodle poll, looks like Tuesday May 19 at 1pm Eastern will be the first call.
- First order of business will be to come up with a charter for the working group. Eliot will send around a google doc for the charter.
- At LDCX we did some work on modeling GIS in the Portland Common Data Model (PCDM). The models we created are here: PCDM Mappings - Reference Diagrams for Comment
- Princeton is starting a sprint to implement PCDM in Sufia, so that will also inform this GIS work.
- There's a PCDM tech call tomorrow morning. Darren is going to participate to represent GIS.
- Report on XSLTs to transfer between metadata formats (Kim Durante)
- Kim has added a few transformations and mappings to the resources section on the Samvera Geospatial Interest Group page
- The GeoCombine gem is testing the transformations on different metadata.
- Updates from institutions on progress toward a geospatial Hydra implementation
Eliot Jordan: Princeton is starting a 3 month sprint to spin up a couple of initial hydra heads. GIS data not in the first set of work, but they should be well on their way by the end of the summer.
- earthworks.stanford.edu is in production! There are blog posts on the geoblacklight.org website about our implementation.
- Emory: Still in early stages, adopting Hydra as a library, has decided to pursue GeoBlacklight instead of OGP. Right now working on getting data in and out of GeoServer.
- These notes might be of interest: http://wiki.code4lib.org/2015_Preconference_Proposals#Delivering_and_Preserving_GIS_Data
- U Alberta: Focusing on institutional repository right now, GIS data will be 4 - 5 months from now
Eliot Jordan: Princeton is starting a 3 month sprint to spin up a couple of initial hydra heads. GIS data not in the first set of work, but they should be well on their way by the end of the summer.
- Questions of common interest for the group
- Building a gazetteer? At Stanford we use GeoNames, and we've started a cross walk bw GeoNames and LCSH.
- Poll on common interests for other WGs
- Do we want a gazetteer WG to use for enhancing metadata? Sounds like there's interest in this. A place to trade notes?
- Extending javascript mapping libraries to meet individual institutional needs? Maybe not yet a WG, just something that James Griffin and Jack Reed are going to look at together. Jay also interested.