November 2, 2015
November 2, 2015
- Ben G., Penn State
- Eira, Cincinatti
- Eira and I caught up
Proposed Agenda (didn't actually discuss):
Reminder: Some IG requirements from Hydra:
- At least three organizations must be represented in an interest group.
- Interest groups should be active, but may still exist when all of the participants are inactive.
Check-in Takeaways
- 7 responses
- All but one archivists/librarians - so we’re not a developer centered IG, no surprise
- The scheduled monthly call mostly works — but I am open to different times if enough people feel that’s justified.
- Still an interest in connecting our discussion to developers in order to facilitate development, largely through documentation
- Two responses mentioned interest in exploring Rights metadata/modeling
- In the spirit of a true interest group, focus less on deliverables and more on exploration (topics, guest speakers, demos, etc.)
- (Only) one respondent said Ben Goldman rulz
Ok, but back to Deliverables/Activities:
- Would like to move forward on diagramming DACS (proposed at SAA HAIG workshop).
- Maureen Callahan from Yale interested in this; Kayla from UMich has also expressed interest
- Anyone else?
Brainstorming Future topics (maybe organize these for the whole Hydra community, too?):
- Suggestion from Justin, Artifactual: asking Ben Armintor to demo/discuss how he has implemented a Fedora-based PCDM model with Archivematica AIPS
- Having UMich/Artefactual demo processing tab?
- Sam at Educopia/BitCurator Consortium is documenting archival workflows at many institutions
, multiple selections available,