March 17, 2014
March 17, 2014
Date/Time: March 17th, 2014 @ 4pm EDT
Dial-in Info: Phone number and access code
Moderator: Adam Wead (Rockhall)
Notetaker: Mark Custer
Paul Clough (Northwestern)
Mark Custer (Yale)
Glynn Edwards (Stanford)
Mike Giarlo (PSU)
Wendy Hagenmaier (Georgia Tech)
Benn Joseph (Northwestern)
Linda Newman (University of Cincinnati)
Steven Ng (Chinese Historical Society of Southern California)
- Michael Olson (Stanford)
- John Rees (NLM)
- Nathan Tallman (University of Cincinnati)
- Eira Tansey (University of Cincinnati)
- Adam Wead (Rockhall)
- Call for agenda items - none added
- Review use cases and user stories
- Can we write our stories directly in the page, or do we prefer uploads?
- University of Cincinnati use cases presented by Eira – mostly focused on electronic records, integration with DAMS, social media / web archives, etc.
- Northwestern use cases presented by Benn – ability to link up digitized files with components in ASpace, ability to link up pre-existing digitized files in Fedora with ASpace, and ability to publish EAD finding aids from ASpace to Fedora (currently use Archon to do this)
- Stanford – haven't uploaded any use cases just yet, but will do so.
- Yale use cases presented by Mark – looks like most of the use cases are divided into either administrative functions (like processing born digital files) or presentation functions. All of the use cases that I uploaded are based on presentation functions, and they come from the assumption that we'd present our EAD records, EAC-CPF records, digitized surrogates, and born-digital files in a single system. Would really like to see the first 2 use cases realized, so I'll provide more information (including screen shots, etc., that we've tested with a focus group of graduate students).
- PSU use cases presented by Mike Giarlo – 1) would like the ability to spawn a repository ingest from an accession record in ArchivesSpace, and 2) the ability to apply aggregate metadata to material being mass digitized, and also the ability to publish hyperlinks in ASpace to corresponding digital objects.
- NLM use cases present by John Rees – NLM is using bagger (from Archivematica?), and they would like the ability to ingest these into Fedora, comparing checksums and restricting some material along the way. Would also like to link these bags up to EAD components. Question about user interface, and how they should, for example, provide access to 50 wordstar files linked to a single archival component.
- Adam mentioned that he saw FITS mentioned in a number of the use cases, and asked Mike to say a few things about FITS. Mike mentioned that FITS is slow, not really helpful when dealing with a/v files, and that it doesn't keep the tools that it uses up-to-date. PSU will be replacing FITS with faster tools. Still, there's probably a good use case for sending technical metadata from Hydra to ArchivesSpace when processing a/v and born-digital material.
- Mike suggested scheduling a HAWG call to coincide with the LDCX meeting so that the developers could ask questions of the group
- Linda agreed, and she also mentioned that we should try to get feedback from the developers who will be attending LDCX before that meeting. Mike will follow up about this.
- We scheduled the next two HAWG calls for 3/31 and 4/14, at the same time.
- Action items:
- Add / refine your use cases (don't worry about making them perfect! If you have questions, feel free to contact anyone on the HAWG group)
- Read over all of the use cases submitted so far
- Mike G. will contact Tom Cramer about trying to get some feedback from developers prior to the LDCX meeting.
- Adam will send an email out (post a message to the Google Group?) this week about collecting more use cases from all of the institutions represented on HAWG
- Adam will send out an agenda for the 3/31 call a week before the meeting, and please do add agenda items if you have them.
- Next meeting
- Date: 2014-03-31
- Moderator: Adam Wead
- Notetaker: John Rees
, multiple selections available,