June 6, 2016
June 6, 2016
Eira, Nathan, Kayla and the UMichers, Ben, Gary, Lora, Adrienne, Hillel, Farrell, Wendy, Erin and the Cornellians, Brad
- IG Business - Ben stepping down as Chair. Someone volunteer!
- ArcLight – Stanford
- Started almost two years ago
- Completed Phase 1 of design process – community shared goals for what they thought ArcLight could be.
- Revisiting ArcLight design plans, want to jump start the process
- Updates to ArcLight Design Process at: ArcLight Design Process
- Will start up again in mid-June
- Start with interview analysis – ~1 month
- Then information architecture – Turning all this into personas and user stories, requirements, prioritizations – About mid-August
- Wireframes and mocking up planned design of ArcLight – August and September
- Development to hopefully start in October
- Michigan and National Library of Medicine working with Stanford on this.
- How can HAIG help?
- They still have the old mailing list, ~40 people
- There's a project on Box with documents related to design process
- Plan is to distribute deliverables for review by the members of the ArcLight mailing list
- Will compatibility with ASpace and Hydra be part of this?
- Stanford still thinking about Hypatia – Home
- Gary's thinking – more of a discovery layer, not necessarily too much integration with ArchivesSpace – similar to Spotlight for exhibits
- Brad's question: what about ASpace Public Interface? Any overlap?
- Kayla, Mike, on Michigan's interest:
- They've been interested in contributing to some kind of archival access systems that includes born-digital materials.
- Presenting archival description for both physical and digital objects, pointing to content in a Hydra repository
- Interested in exploring possibilities for integrating with ASpace (eventually)
- Not related to current Mellon grant
- ArchivesSpace
- Brief history of ASpace
- Some integrations that have been discussed:
- Hydra (see this wiki)
- Aeon (discussions at Aeon user forum)
- Focus on workflows (UMich grant)
- Rights metadata
- Preservica (though only a witness, not a participant)
- SNAC - project with National Archives to stand up an EAC/archival authority database
- ASpace Integrations Team
- Charged with setting up policies and working guidelines
- Examine examples of integrations
- Determining what they mean by integrations
- Figuring out additional resources about integrations for the community
- Is it time to revisit Hydra/ASpace integrations?
- What ideas do people have?
- Cincinatti is starting to work on a hydra head for born-digital, but not close enough to look at how might integrate with ASpace
- Question for Brad re: Public Interface
- What is the status of ASpace software dev resources?
- Negotiating with Hudson Molonglo to be the 'primary developer' on ASpace
- In addition to working on PI, also working on all their user stories
- Also want to have them working on Rights Management module
- Also want to make the Agents module fully compliant with EAC
- Maybe also implementing EAD3
- Implementing a functional reports module
- Pending board budget approval
- What is the status of ASpace software dev resources?
- SAA Update
- The group expressed an interest in talking about user stories at the in-person SAA meeting, but Ben has had no luck locating a person to introduce the topic.
- Ben asked that those who remain interested, please contact him directly. If enough people still maintain interest, we'll run with it.