December 1, 2014
December 1, 2014
- Cincinatti: Eira and Nathan
- Stanford: Michael and Gary
- Penn State: Ben and Mike
- Yale: Mark
- Duke: Matthew
- ArcLight update
- Status on the call for interest:
- 6-8 expressions, including: Cincinatti, Penn State, Natl Lib Medicine, Tufts, Cornell,Getty, GA Tech, Duke (Duke might be working in parallel to ArcLight)
- Interest in: design collaboration; objectives; use cases.
- Ready to start the design process. Next steps:
- Setup a mailing list for people interested in the design process
- Have the design process group talk about goals, deliverables for different stages of the process
- Setup share for documents, ideas, etc.
- Setup a publicly visible page to chart their progress
- Once this infrastructure is setup, they expect activity to ramp up in January
- Experiment in collaborative design process
- Possibly collect institutional requirements before the holidays
- For institutions interested in ArcLight, develop 1-2 page description of what their objectives for ArcLight are.
- Question about ArcLight stand-alone vs ArcLight in coordination with ASpace public interface
- Stanford sees this as one potential use case
- No current plans by ASpace to work on public interface (on the to-do list)
- Duke's finding aids
- digital repository shares codebase with finding aid platform; effort underway to update both
- Cincinatti finding aids
- Uses OhioLink finding aid repository (XTF) for FA delivery
- Using ASpace in a sandbox but no plans to go operational
- Would love to contribute testing on ArcLight
- Stanford's finding aids
- Aspace test instance – testing migrations
- Deliver finding aids through OAC/CDL – will continue contributing, but would like to develop FAs through integrated library services too
- Killed XTF experiment
- Penn State
- Operational with ASpace now
- Publishing finding aids using HTML
- Status on the call for interest:
- User stories webinar
- Will get some slots from Rose and post a Doodle poll
- Post to all of Hydra
- Maureen from Yale to share one archivist's view on developing user stories
- Future agenda items:
- What other pain points between developers and librarians might we explore?
- Where is the overlap between digital preservation working group?
- Might schedule an ArcLight call in two weeks, depending on where Stanford is.
, multiple selections available,