April 4, 2016

April 4, 2016


  • Ben, Penn State
  • Lora, Johns Hopkins
  • Danielle, Oregon
  • Nathan, Eira, Cincinatti
  • Sara x2, Artefactual
  • John, NLM
  • Julie, Indiana


Proposed Agenda:

  • Community updates
    • Lora, Johns Hopkins
      • New to position, new to Hydra
      • Migrating away from customized DSpace instance, using a testbed of Sufia for an institutional repository
      • Interested in management of born-digital material too – looking for the types of tasks Hydra can perform to help them
    • Cincinatti 
      • developing use cases and user stories around the background management of digital objects, but haven't done any development yet
      • Hyacinth – from Columbia, used to ingest into Hydra
    • John, NLM
      • Interested in Archivematica, possibility of linux distribution since they don't support Ubuntu
      • Still lurking in Hydra community/stack, learning about different use cases for administrative side of things
      • Still very interested in ArcLight, which has been tabled
    • Danielle, Oregon
      • OregonDigital delivers a lot of digitized collections
      • They are migrating AT to ASpace
      • Very interested in U-Mich's integration work (archivematica, aspace, repository) – too many silos
      • Trying to figure out digital preservation layer
    • Artefactual
      • Excited about linux distribution
      • Looking for that first institution to drive Archivematica and Hydra integration
      • Archivematica CampAugust 24 - 26 in Ann Arbor; to include Archivematica-Hydra charette on 3rd day
  • Question: what kind of user scenarios/user studies are out there?
    • Cincinatti working on.
    • Group could share A LOT more user stories/use cases
  • Potential Topic 1: Follow-up on U-Mich demo: anything people want to discuss more?
  • Potential Topic 2: ASpace/Hydra integration
  • Potential Topic 2b: Finding a baseline for fruitful dialogue moving forward:
    • As a community we have a fairly specific set of interests ( February 1, 2016)
    • But we operate from vastly divergent practices, infrastructure, resource constraints/availability, and implementations. 
    • How do we have effective conversations about ASpace/Hydra integration with so many institutions at various stages of implementation (or not) with these two products?
    • Do we need a deeper understanding of where Hydra archives institutions are? Perhaps there's a data gathering step that needs to happen to seed future discussions?
  • Discussion:
    • Cincinatti: Meandering ok; sense of community and ongoing dialogue is ok. Low commitment is good. 
    • Forum for discussion is great. Having demos is very helpful. Seeing how colleagues are doing things is useful.
    • These discussions could open unexpected things down the line, like grant writing.
    • Having HAIG around is good leverage for discussing archival needs with local stakeholders
  • SAA is coming up; they set aside a room for us if we want to meet. How long? For what purpose? 
    • Is there a chance to connect with the Collection Management roundtable?
    • Archivematica will have a birds of feather session?
    • Look up Agile for Archives documents from SAA last year. 
  • Question:
    • How updated is the wiki? Sorta.