RDF WG Call 2014-02-12
RDF WG Call 2014-02-12
Call from 2014-02-12, 20:00 UTC (12:00 PST) - (Connect via: http://oregonstate.adobeconnect.com/hydra-rdf/)
- Tom Johnson
- Mike Giarlo
- James van Mil
- Jon Stroop
- Karen Estlund
- Trey Terrell
- Aaron Coburn
- Corey Harper
- Esme Cowles
- Justin Coyne
- Adam Wead
- (please add yourself if you were missed.
- Introductions (briefly)
- Discuss Scope and Initial Charges
- Update on RDFDatastream in AF 7
- Ontology First Steps
- What data models should be reviewed?
- AF RDF Tutorial (who can help improve/timeline)
- Needed for Spring 2014 HydraCamp (date pending - April/May)
- Is it meaningful to switch Dive into Hydra to use RDF - what would the desired benefits be?
- Future Meeting Schedule
- Date of next conference call
- Possible face-to-face @ Code4Lib and/or LibDevConX
- Scope and Initial Charges
- Recommend patterns
- Create roadmap
- Council of Architects – Provides Guidance
- RDF Tutorial Revision
- UCSD Datamodel Investigation
- Actively use what we're working on and talking about
- Update on RDFDatastream in AF 7
- Oregon Work going into AF 7, hopefully PR is done at end of week
Demo Gist: https://gist.github.com/no-reply/7803282
Branch in progress: https://github.com/no-reply/active_fedora/tree/rdf
Ontology First Steps
What 'data models' should be reviewed?
- Sufia
- Hydromata/Curate
- UCSD https://raw2.github.com/ucsdlib/dams/master/ontology/docs/entity-relationship-diagram.pdf
- PROV-O http://www.w3.org/TR/prov-o/
- others?
Drop term 'Ontology'; need clarify terminology surrounding 'data models'.
- Don't make a data model--ensure interop between existing approaches
- Create a set of guidelines for RDF adoption
- Action item: Draft a paragraph scoping this project and declare some initial use cases
- Volunteers: Mike Giarlo, Esmé Cowles, Karen Estlund, Jon Stroop, Adam Wead
- Due: by next call (tbd via Doodle)
- AF RDF Tutorial (who can help improve/timeline)
- Needed for Spring 2014 HydraCamp in Dublin. April 9
- Is it meaningful to switch Dive into Hydra to use RDF - what would the desired benefits be?
- Good Question. Confusing to branch off? or is that more flexible.
- Can't answer fully before fixing tutorial. or is it okay to do a flat DC example?
- Add flat DC RDF Datastream to AF?
- RDF clearer than OM.
- Proposal to share with community: RDF replaces OM in Dive Into Hydra. Add DC RDF datastream to AF (maybe?).
- Future Agenda Item: Detail this proposal,discuss need (or lack thereof) for DC RDF Datastream in AF, & assign work.
- Chance to review @ Code4Lib & LibDevConX
- Possible breakout session at Code4Lib
- Giarlo will run through at OR in June
- Action item: run through current guide, fix what's broken.
- Limit to simple Use cases/examples. Stuff that won't be effected by Oregon work.
- Volunteer: Adam Wead
- Due: by next call (tbd via Doodle)
- Action item: Add new features from Oregon
- Volunteer: Tom Johnson (will seek reviewers)
- Due: March 23 (pre-Code4Lib)
- Future Meeting Schedule
- Meet bi-weekly. Want to keep momentum going for the moment.
- Keep in mind time zone issues; accommodate those in UK and further east.
- Action Item: Send Doodle Poll for next meeting week of the 24th.
- Volunteer: Tom Johnson
- Due: At end of call.
- Action Item: Arrange lunch breakout at Code4Lib for face to face meeting.
- Volunteer: Tom Johnson
- Due: March 23 (pre-Code4Lib)
- Possible face-to-face @ LibDevConX
- Meet bi-weekly. Want to keep momentum going for the moment.
, multiple selections available,
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