March 14, 2014

March 14, 2014


Dial: +1 (530) 881-1400
Access Code: 651025


  • Chris Awre, Hull (Facilitator)

  • Linda Newman, Cincinnati (Note taker)

  • Richard Green, Hull
  • Mike Muraszko, WGBH
  • Karen Cariani, WGBH
  • Mike Giarlo, Penn State
  • Mike Friscia, Yale
  • Claire Stewart, Northwestern
  • Jon Stroop, Princeton
  • Eben English, Boston Public Library
  • Tom Cramer, Stanford
  • Will Cowan, Indiana
  • Mark Notess, Indiana
  • Rick Johnson, Notre Dame
  • Anders Conrad, Royal Library

Agenda & Notes

  1. Roll Call
    1. Welcome New Folks

  2. Call for Agenda Items
    1. Mar 14 per Claire Discuss Hydra's presence at other conferences (particularly less technical ones) – Proposed by Claire Stewart during January partner call
    2. Zotero grant update (Mike Giarlo)
    3. ORCID grant update (Rick Johnson)

  3. Next Call
    1. Date: April 11th, 2014 
      1. Facilitator: Karen Cariani
      2. Note taker:  Mike Friscia

  4. Mike Giarlo – Zotero grant update:  Ellysa Cahoy (Education and Behavioral Sciences Librarian, Penn State) has been researching (thanks to Mellon for an earlier grant) the digital archiving and information behavior of researchers at Penn State, and she has found that citation managers like Zotero are a central component to scholars' personal archiving.  This grant awards Penn State and George Mason funds to extend Zotero to enable researchers to claim entries within Zotero as works that they authored, and to extend Hydra to provide an API allowing Zotero to deposit these works on their behalf.

  5.  Rick Johnson – ORCID update:  The recent week in Chicago was to look at the prototype and discuss how to integrate it with Hydra repositories.  Some time was spent mentoring developers on Rails and Hydra.  The development that Jeremy Friesen had accomplished was the starting point and  now more people know what's going on.  Mike Giarlo also spoke to the work that was done to use OM with ORCID.  Rick added that Notre Dame will be presenting on the grant progress in the middle of May and hope to have it integrated with a sandbox version of their repository at that point.  Mike and Rick can send a link to Hydra Partners pointing to documentation on the wiki.   Linda and Will both commented that their developers were highly positive about their experience at ORCID house.

  6. Standing Community TODOs
    1. Next Partner & Dev centric meetings
      1. Code4Lib 24-27 March, Raleigh, NC    Claire reported that Michael Klein and Julie Rudder are presenting on Avalon.   A desire was expressed to list the Code4Lib Hydra events on the events page on the wiki.  (We asked Bess Sadler to send an email re Hydra events at Code4Lib, which she did on 3/14 to Hydra-Partners and Hydra-Tech;  she also updated the wiki – see Events, presentations and articles.)  There will be a Blacklight table managed by Chris Beer of Stanford and he'd be happy to have Hydra folks help staff it.

      2. Hydra's presence at other conferences.  Claire suggested that we enhance the related conferences page with meetings that repository managers and metadata people would be more likely to attend, and to ask if anyone among us can do outreach to be sure we have a presence at these events.  Having a prepared kit of presentation materials would help.  Should this be a more coordinated effort?  Tom responded that he was willing to help and had materials to share.    Claire will send something about this to the Partners list.  Richard pointed out that we have two pages – Events ( Events, presentations and articles), and linked from that page, Related Conferences.  Perhaps the link to Related Conferences should be more prominent.
      3. LAMDevConX and April Developer Congress planning
        1. LAMDevConX, 21-23 April, Stanford:  Tom reported that in the next week more logistics will be assembled.  Proposals about what should be published can be sent to Tom.  A new hire at Stanford starting March 31st will help coordinate this event.  

        2. Hydra developer congress, 24-25 April, Stanford:  Who is planning to come?  There will be bleed-over from LDCX but some people may be coming just for those 2 days.  3 topics discussed to date are, engineering and data modeling around RDF; refactoring core gems and reviewing hierarchy of promises; integration with Fedora 4.  There was a proposal to limit the developer congress to these three topics as they may be enough for two days.  Linda added that developers participating in the Hydra Archivists Working Group plan to meet at either LDCX or the developer congress.

      4. Regional Hydra event in Europe
        1. Hydra symposium, 7-8 April, Trinity College, Dublin:  Chris reported that 25 people have signed up to date.  Good UK representation and some mainland European representation, and strong representation from Universities in Ireland.
        2. Hydra Camp, 8-11 April, Trinity College Dublin: 7 people enrolled to date.

      5. Hydra Camp, Minneapolis, 6-9 May:  announced and registration open

      6. Connect #2 (at Case Western, tbc 14-17 October): Richard reported that a logistics and planning group that includes representation from Case Western had their first meeting recently.    The logistics group hopes to be able to open booking for Connect #2 at OR2014, or shortly thereafter.  Note: shortly after the Partner call it became apparent that CWRU couldn't accommodate our first choice of dates - now likely to be September 30 - October 3rd (tbc).

      7. Regional Hydra meetings:  Yale is promoting a New England regional meeting.  Tom Cramer asked if this would be a chance for training opportunities for potential partners and adopters.  Mike Friscia is open to that possibility.  Eben added that this should not dominate the agenda of their regional meeting which is a chance for those who already developing in Hydra to meet.  Tom suggested the afternoon before or morning after the regional meeting – similar to what we've done with Code4Lib, OR or DLF.
      8. OR2014:  Awaiting review/notification of proposals.  Richard commented that more bids for workshops and the main conference were received than ever before, and proposals for interest group meetings were down.
    2. Training
      1. Note Dublin Hydra Camps above – noted
      2. Other Hydra Camps:  Minneapolis Hydra Camp noted.

    3. Strategic plan: where are we? are we on track?   Deferred for future meeting.

    4. SHARE update (More info: http://www.arl.org/focus-areas/public-access-policies/shared-access-research-ecosystem-share):  Rick commented that he was not aware of anything new.  Mike Giarlo is a member of the Repository working group and reported that they  are reviewing documents such as a project plan for the notification service, metadata specifications, inbound and outbound transports, a service architecture, and a communication plan. Chris asked if this should be a regular agenda item.  Tom suggested simply relying on those who are members of SHARE working groups to alert us when things were happening.

  7. Fedora update from DuraSpace Summit  – Tom reported that DuraSpace looks like it is in a position of great strength with Fedora 4, DSpace and VIVO.  There's a great deal of interest in exploring connections between Fedora and VIVO.  This is worth a look similar to what Notre Dame is doing with ORCID.  Claire commented that she agrees, and that was eye-opening to hear how VIVO's approach to Linked Open Data had been adopted to describe not only biographical information, but research material and repository content, and she agrees that integration should be a high prority.  Tom added that people on the bubble of adopting Hydra wanted to know if Hydra was ready for Fedora 4.  Chris asked if there will be a written report from the Summit, Tom responded that he thinks they will be placing artifacts on the Wiki, but that we should ask Jonathan or Michelle of DuraSpace.

  8. Prospective Partner Intel Sharing – strong recent interest from Ireland and the UK.  University of California San Francisco has just deployed a Blacklight catalog and posted a job for a Blacklight developer.  Other institutions are on the trajectory.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:22 (Eastern Daylight Time).

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