Structural Metadata Breakout Notes

Structural Metadata Breakout Notes

Chris Awre - Hull
David Chandek-Stark - Duke
Jim Coble - Duke 
Jon Dunn - Indiana
Christian Ertmann-Christiansen - Det Kongelige Bibliotek 
Declan Fleming - UCSD
Mark Notess - Indiana 
Joe Pawletko - NYU
James Van Mil - Cincinnati
Navigation of discrete (pages) and continuous (A/V) objects
Synchronization of representations (translations, transcripts)
Role of structural metadata in discovery - tying an intellectual work to a section of a file
     Intellectual Entity to Source Entity mapping
Hierarchical navigation
Aspects of things, e.g., annotations of images and video
Abstraction and recontextualization (i.e., “grabbing” content to use somewhere else)
Action Items:
Feed notes into RDF group - James
Joe - Looking at Hydra to stage description of content in digitization workflow management. Allow subject specialist to step in and describe materials. Also applies to time-based media. For each given digital object type, does Hydra support a way to input structural metadata and bind other metadata.
Jon - Around media and other formats. E.g., in Avalon to support user navigation in long media files - need for hierarchical structure, especially for dramatic works, music, etc. Distinction between labeling sections and tying them to intellectual records to describe the sections - connecting musical works to where they occur within recordings.
Working with IUPUI to create hydra head for page-turned image content, e.g., for manuscripts, newspapers, sheet music. Had previously used METS structmap.
Declan - have use METS structmap, and it’s messy. Depended on stylesheets to get mets out from RDF. Stopped for the new data model, and uses DAMS ontology now to express parts for data structure and display, e.g., with performances: https://github.com/ucsdlib/dams/tree/master/ontology 
Jon - Do different parts have discrete parts, or do you include descriptions of sections within a file.
Declan - We don’t deal with the distinction. Are doing some work with video timestamping.
David - Internally store in RDF? (Declan - yes) How do you do ordering? (It’s messy - use blank nodes to put things in hierarchies - doesn’t read well, but not a problems to computers)
Declan demoed librarytest.ucsd.edu - research cyberinfrastructure collections using a linked list to provide ordering.
James - Poetry navigation use case to navigate audio recordings by clicking on transcripts.
Jon - On the roadmap for Avalon.
Jim - Use case with page images, e.g., comic books. Need to order components and build a display. Was using METS struct map. Looking to work with video in a course asset project.
Christian - Developing a roadmap to incorporate varied standards in RDF; includes structural metadata.
Mark - Variations platform for audio, etc. - Don’t break files into tracks. Track listings with hierarchy to navigate. Avalon to eventually replace Variations. Also a need for synchronized transcript for oral history, etc.
Jon - Also had ability to tie multiple recordings and scores together for FRBR works, relating measure numbers to time ranges, for example. Of eventual interest for Avalon.
Group discussion about use cases and action items.