Core Developers

Core Developers

Core Developers

  • How do we work together
  • Engage new developers

Merging Pull Requests

As it relates to the core of the hydra stack

Participation in committers call. Doing things in the context of culture and community.

We don't meet face to face all that often. Talk about process, if there is any.

How to get people engaged.

Hydra's core is on cruise control. Who's at the head of the hydra's core.

What should be in core to Hydra?

We operate on lazy concensus. If you want to lead do it unless there are objections. Sometimes we want more pushback on pull requests. Do we need more thumbs up on a merge?

Difficulty in understanding where gems start and end. Encourage the submission of a pull request; Make a conjecture.

A document on how to articulate a gems purpose.

It would be nice to have a self-enfranchised group.

Using Github Issues to review branches/changes and discussing things directly, without the Pull Request Merge button tempting someone to quickly merge it. Calling attention to changes.

Three Different Examples

Fedora 4 Rails Updates Hydra gem

What is Hydra Core

The Hierarchy of Promises addresses core components. What are core components? These are captured in the Hydra gem.

How do we work on aspects that are not easily mapped to "lazy consensus"

  • Hydra for Fedora 4
  • Access Controls

How do we discuss concepts and get feedback without submitting a pull request? Should we define the core developers at LibDevConX?

Who do we think is really important to be present for the core developer discussion and interactions. Please allocate travel funds for LibDevConX for those people.

Encourage mentoring opportunities for more senior developers to help those that may not be "confident". Developers keep your hands off the keyboard.

Action Items

  1. Adopting Contributing Document of Curate (sans Git Flow) - Jeremy Friesen (https://github.com/projecthydra/hydra/issues/33)
  2. Hierarchy of Promises should be pushed into the Contributing document https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/hydra/Hydra+Stack+-+The+Hierarchy+of+Promises - Jeremy Friesen (https://github.com/projecthydra/hydra/issues/34)
  3. Create "Does the Hierarchy of Promise need to be updated" issue in Hydra gem - Jeremy Friesen (https://github.com/projecthydra/hydra/issues/35)
  4. Create "Encourage pull requests" aspect of the CONTRIBUTING document - Jeremy Friesen
  5. Create "What is Hydra's core" section of Contributing - Jeremy Friesen (https://github.com/projecthydra/hydra/issues/36)
  6. Who do we feel would be the "core developers" that should be at LibDevConX to help address the "too large for a pull request" decisions and changes. - All managers
  7. Draft an agenda and focal point for LibDevConX/Hydra developer track - Adam Wead & David Chandeck Stark
  8. Write the "Encourage new developers to review Hierarchy and Documentation" in Contributing document of Hydra gem - Brian Maddy
  9. Document in the CONTRIBUTING document the lazy consensus model - Jeremy Friesen (https://github.com/projecthydra/hydra/issues/37)

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