HydraConnect 2014 Attendee List
HydraConnect 2014 Attendee List
Last Name | First Name | Job Title | Company | |
Ajao | John | jajao@library.ucsb.edu | Director, Systems & Repository Operations | University Of California Santa Barbara |
Awre | Chris | c.awre@hull.ac.uk | Head of Information Management | University of Hull |
Beer | Christopher | cabeer@stanford.edu | Quality Engineer | Stanford University |
Borchsenius Westh | AndreasĀ | abwe@kb.dk | It Developer | Det Kongelige Bibliotek |
Brittle | Collin | rotated8@vt.edu | Software Engineer | Virginia Tech |
Bussey | Mark | mark@curationexperts.com | Managing Director | Data Curation Experts |
Cariani | Karen | karen_cariani@wgbh.org | Director, Media Library and Archives | WGBH Educational Foundation |
Castillo | Sandra | scastillo@duoc.cl | Technology Coordinator - Library system | University Duoc UC.Ā |
Chandek-Stark | David | dchandekstark@gmail.com | Repository Developer | Duke University Libraries |
Chavan | Sheetal | sheetal.sc@gmail.com | Software Programmer | Experis |
Chu | Vivian | tchu@ucsd.edu | IT Services Developer | UCSD Library |
Cliff | David | d.cliff@neu.edu | Senior Digital Library Developer | Northeastern University |
Coble | Jim | jim.coble@duke.edu | Librarian | Duke University |
Cole | Carolyn | cam156@psu.edu | Digital Library Developer | Pennsylvania State University |
Colvard | Chris | cjcolvar@indiana.edu | Developer | Indiana University |
Cowan | William | wgcowan@iu.edu | Head Library Software Development | Indiana UniversityĀ |
Cowles | Esme | escowles@ucsd.edu | Developer | UCSD Library |
Coyne | Justin | justin@curationexperts.com | Senior Developer | Data Curation Experts |
Cozine | Alicia | alicia@curationexperts.com | DevOps Lead | Data Curation Experts |
Cramer | Thomas | tcramer@stanford.edu | Associate Director, Digital Library Systems & Serv | Stanford University |
Critchlow | Matt | mcritchlow@ucsd.edu | Development and Web Services Manager | UCSD Library |
DĆaz Andrade | Patricia | pdiaz@duoc.cl | Director of Library | University Duoc UC.Ā |
Dunn | Jon | jwd@indiana.edu | Interim Assistant Dean for Library Technologies | Indiana University |
Ertmann-Christiansen | Christian | chec@kb.dk | Head of Department | Det Kongelige Bibliotek |
Estlund | Karen | kestlund@uoregon.edu | Head, Digital Scholarship Center | University of Oregon |
Faulder | Erin | erin.faulder@tufts.edu | Archivist for Digital Collections | Tufts University |
Fleming | Declan | dfleming@ucsd.edu | Chief Technology Strategist | UCSD Library |
Friesen | Jeremy | jeremy.n.friesen@gmail.com | Program Application Developer | University of Notre Dame |
Frost | Dermot | dfrost@tchpc.tcd.ie | IT Manager | Trinity College Dublin |
Frost | Hannah | hfrost@stanford.edu | Ā | Ā |
Geisler | Gary | geisler@stanford.edu | Designer Engineer | Stanford University |
Giarlo | Michael | mjg36@psu.edu | Digital Library Architect | Pennsylvania State University |
Green | Jennifer | greenjen@umich.edu | Director of Research Data Services | University of Michigan Library |
Green | Richard | r.green@hull.ac.uk | Digital Library Projects | University of Hull |
Grigsby | Lynne | lgrigsby@library.berkeley.edu | Head, Library Applications and Publishing | UC Berkeley |
Guerard | Genie | gguerard@library.ucla.edu | Manuscripts Librarian | UCLA LIbrary Special Collections |
Dressler | VirginiaĀ | vad17@case.edu | Digital Librarian | Kelvin Smith Library/Case Western Reserve University |
Hardy | Darren | drh@stanford.edu | GIS Engineer | Stanford University |
Harper | Corey | corey.harper@nyu.edu | Metadata Services Librarian | New York University |
Hedegaard | ChristenĀ | chh@kb.dk | Project Manager | The Royal LibraryĀ , Denmark |
Hill | Giulia | ghill@library.berkeley.edu | Programmer Analyst | UC Berkeley |
Horton | Glen | glen.horton@uc.edu | Digital Repository Software Developer | University of Cincinnati Libraries |
Hswe | Patricia | phswe@psu.edu | Digital Content Strategist | Penn State University Libraries |
Johnson | Rick | rick.johnson@nd.edu | Ā | University of Notre Dame |
Johnson | Thomas | thomas.johnson@oregonstate.edu | Digital Applications Librarian | Oregon State University |
Jordan | Eliot | eliotj@princeton.edu | GIS Developer | Princeton University |
Keck | Jessie | jkeck@stanford.edu | Engineer | Stanford University |
Klein | Michael | michael.klein@northwestern.edu | Senior Software Developer | Northwestern University |
Konkiel | Stacy | skonkiel@indiana.edu | Science Data Management Librarian | Indiana University |
Korner | Sebastien | skorner@umich.edu | Senior Systems Programmer | University of Michigan |
Lessing | Ian | ilessing@library.ucsb.edu | Software Dev Mgr. / Web Developer | UCSB Library |
Lubinsky | Raymond | rwl@virginia.edu | Manager, Software & Systems Engineering | University of Virginia |
Lynch | Katherine | katherine.lynch@temple.edu | Senior Digital Library Applications Developer | Temple University Libraries |
Maddy | Brian | brian@brianmaddy.com | Developer | Data Curation Experts |
Maher | Valerie | Ā | Developer | Data Curation Experts |
Masood | KinzaĀ | kinza.masood@utah.edu | Head of Digital Operations | J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah |
McBride | Brian | brian.mcbride@utah.edu | Ā | University of Utah |
Mihalik | Matthew | mihalik@gwu.edu | Operations Manager | The George Washington University |
Minelli | Jeff | jgm106@psu.edu | DevOps Engineer | Penn State |
Morris | Alicia | alicia.morris@tufts.edu | head of Technical Services | Tufts University |
Newman | LindaĀ | linda.newman@uc.edu | Head, Digital Collections & Repositories | University of Cincinnati Libraries |
Ng | Steven | steven@nomadicoder.com | Software Developer | Chinese Historical Society of Southern California |
Notess | Mark | mnotess@iu.edu | Head, User Experience and Digital Media Services | Indiana University |
Pawletko | Joseph | jgp@nyu.edu | Ā | New York University |
Pyzynski | Susan | pyzynski@fas.havard.edu | Associate Librarian of Houghton Library | Harvard University |
Ranganathan | Anusha | Anusha.Ranganathan@bodleian.ox.ac.uk | Digital Engineer | Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford |
Reed | Jack | pjreed@stanford.edu | GIS Web Mapping Engineer | Stanford University |
Reese | Terry | reese.2179@osu.edu | Head, Digital Initiatives | The Ohio State University |
Reiss | Kevin | kevin.reiss@gmail.com | Web Developer | Princeton University Library |
Rissmeyer | Christine | crissmeyer@library.ucsb.edu | Metadata Librarian | UC Santa Barbara |
Rogers | Carrick | carrickr@stanford.edu | Engineer | Stanford University |
Rudder | Julie | j-rudder@northwestern.edu | Digital Initiatives Project Manager | Northwestern University Library |
Ruggaber | Robin | rsl6m@virginia.edu | Library CTO | University of Virginia |
Sadler | Elizabeth | bess@stanford.edu | Manager, Application Development | Stanford University |
Schelby | Russell | schelby.1@osu.edu | Project Manager | Ohio State University Libraries |
Scherz | ThomasĀ | thomas.scherz@uc.edu | Digital Repository Software Developer | University of Cincinnati Libraries |
Situ | Longshou | lsitu@ucsd.edu | Developer | UCSD Library |
Smith | Scott | ssmith@library.ucsb.edu | Industry Analyst | UCSB |
Snydman | Stuart | snydman@stanford.edu | Manager, Digital Production & Web Development | Stanford University Libraries |
Stewart | Claire | claire-stewart@northwestern.edu | Head, Digital Collections & Scholarly Communicatio | Northwestern University Library |
Stroop | Jon | jstroop@princeton.edu | Digital Initiatives Programmer/Analyst | Princeton University Library |
Tang | Jimmy | jtang@tchpc.tcd.ie | Ā | Ā |
Tribone | Michael | mtribone@psu.edu | UI/UX Developer | The Pennsylvania State University |
Trujillo | David | drtrujillo@ucsd.edu | Web Services Developer | UCSD Library |
Tuttle | JimĀ | jim.tuttle@duke.edu | Head, Digital Repository Services | Duke |
Van Mil | James | vanmiljf@ucmail.uc.edu | Collections & E-Resources Librarian | University of Cincinnati Libraries |
Wang | Zheng (John) | zheng.wang@nd.edu | AUL, Digital Access, Resources, and IT | University of Notre Dame |
Wead | Adam | amsterdamos@gmail.com | Systems and Digital Collections Librarian | Rock and Roll Hall of Fame |
witte | breck | witte@columbia.edu | Director, Library Information Technology Office | Columbia University |
Woods | Andrew | awoods@duraspace.org | Fedora Tech Lead | DuraSpace |
Ying | William | wwy@artstor.org | CIO/VP of Technology | ARTstor |
Young | Anjanette | anjanette.young@gmail.com | Systems Librarian | University of Washington |
, multiple selections available,