Hydra Technical Update June 2011


This is part of the June 2011 Hydra Partners Meeting Agenda and Notes

Overview of Hydra Technologies

Substantial growth
Worked very hard towards providing

  • easy adoption path
  • steady upgrade path
  • strong support for large, distributed dev community

Recognized patterns
Moving towards providing shared functionality in generic, flexible ways while supporting/encouraging development of specialized, full-stack Hydra heads.


Adoption: hydrangea & 2 heads, 2 teams w/ 5 devs TO 15 heads, > 8 teams, ~ 20 devs
Components Stabilized with regular release cycles
Recognizing patterns & Refining Hydra Head plugin


Growing Developer Community
UI, Accessibility & Usability – How to achieve consistency & quality with many developers creating many hydra heads?
Hydrangea End of Life ... what to provide, then, as baseline demo for hydra-head plugin?


Easy adoption path
Stable upgrade path
Easy contribution path
Refining hydra-head plugin, "putting a box around the distinct functional areas"
UI, Accessibility & Usability – what conventions to apply, how to support them, and how to enforce them

What's Next

Refining hydra head plugin to provide functionality at a more generic level
Figuring out & implementing UI plan