Hyrax Technical Lead

Hyrax Technical Lead


The Hyrax Technical Lead role leads the technical architecture and vision for Hyrax, serving as a key resource for the Hyrax Maintenance Working Group on issues of technical design and architecture for issue fixes and code integrations. The goal is to maintain and improve Hyrax stability and incorporate contributed development work from the Hyrax Maintenance Working Group and the Samvera Community.

With that leadership role in mind, it is also acknowledged that asking someone to know everything about Hyrax technical architecture to take on this role is an unreasonable expectation. The goal is to find someone willing and able to dig in and figure things out and then make technical design and architecture decisions and recommendations to keep development work moving along in the Hyrax Maintenance Working Group and within the Samvera Community.

If someone’s knowledge or experience with Hyrax is focused in a particular area like deployments or databases or Ruby programming, for example, this role is open to being filled with that focused expertise. The Hyrax Maintenance Working Group and Hyrax Interest Group will work to take on other duties or tasks as needed.


  • Participate in Hyrax Maintenance Working Group sprints (2 weeks on, followed by 2 weeks off) 

    • Work with Hyrax Product Owner to plan sprint goals and activities

    • Work on development issues relevant to maintenance and stability of Hyrax engine

    • Serve as a key resource on issues of technical design and architecture for Hyrax issue fixes and code integrations

    • Provide code review/pull request review

    • Manage packaging and releases of Hyrax engine

  • Participate in quarterly Samvera Dev Congresses

  • Participate in weekly Samvera Tech Calls and monthly Hyrax Interest Group meetings

  • Participate in the Samvera Community on Slack (particularly #dev, #hyrax, and #hyrax-wg)

  • Meet periodically with the Community Manager and Product Owner to identify issues or barriers that need to be brought to Partners or the Samvera Board 

  • Work with Roadmaps Alignment Group and developer community to establish development priorities

Measures of Success

  • An outline of development priorities in consultation with the Product Owner and Roadmaps Alignment Group

  • All Maintenance Working Group sprints are planned in consultation with the Hyrax Product Owner, and have reasonable and measurable goals

  • Close coordination of communications with the Community Manager

  • Hyrax feature sprint work is planned and offered at least twice during the year

  • Hyrax Slack and tech list questions are triaged in a timely manner

  • Pull requests and code review requests are assigned and completed in a timely manner

  • Hyrax releases and release notes are executed in accordance with goals

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