2023-05-12 Partner Call




Samvera Partners Call

Friday, May 12th, 2023

11:30 am  |  Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-05:00)  |  1 hr

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Meeting ID: 819 7331 3501
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Code of Conduct

We want Samvera Community to be a fun, informative, engaging event for all our partners and participants.

  1. We encourage everyone to apply the Samvera community principles of openness, inquiry, and respect in their interactions at the event.

  2. Please review the Code of Conduct and Anti-Harassment Policy.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to community helpers

Facilitator: @Heather Greer Klein

Note Taker: @Robin Ruggaber


  • Your name here!

  • @Robin Ruggaber

  • @Thomas Scherz

  • @Tim Lepczyk

  • @Jill Morris

  • @Kirsten Leonard

  • @Esmé Cowles

  • @Stuart Kenny

  • @Emily Lynema

  • @Glen Horton

  • @Alicia Morris

  • @Jim Halliday

  • @Nora Zimmerman

  • @John Weise

  • @Amanda Hurford

  • @Nic Don Stanton-Roark

  • @david.schober

  • @Daniel Coughlin

  • @Jon Dunn

  • Carl Pieraneo

Agenda & Notes

  1. Any other items for the agenda? 

  2. Demo: Hyku for Consortia (@Kirsten Leonard, @Jill Morris, Carl Pieraneo, @Amanda Hurford, @Nic Don Stanton-Roark ) Recorded https://youtu.be/1ArRKMmyGh4

    1. Ready to offer as a service. 2 year term of service, up to 1TB of storage, and ranging from $2500-$10k per institution/year, inclusive of 2 tenants; pricing tiered by FTE

    2. Currently hosting 50 partners (mix of public and private), have active user community, and other benefits

    3. Actively being developed with features such as bulk import/export, OAI feed, upgrade to Hyku 4.1, etc

    4. Developed a collaborative repository toolkit to help others looking to adopt and role out a similar model

    5. Full overview and demo of establishing a new tenant repository

    6. Test tenant available if anyone wants to kick the tires.

    7. See more info

  3. Hyrax Valkyrization Sprint Planning updates

    1. $46,000 pledges received to date, nearly to our first goal

    2. SoftServ team starting week of May 22 (Dev Congress week)

    3. Work already started on reviewing project board issues

    4. Institutions interested in Fedora 6 and Hyrax are discussing with Fedora leadership and will organize meetings in the near future- this information will inform the third milestone.

  4. Checking in on March meeting action item, anyone who is interested in leading this effort

    1. Capture guidelines/examples of managing engineers to share with the community - talking points of value - clearing house of good communication on why and how this impacts administrative concerns; Looking for people to help and determine where the information should reside. Encouraging people to nominate people or step forward, the load is not expected to be high.

    2. Accessibility audit issue is on agenda for May Samvera Board meeting

    3. Sustainability: Kirsten Leonard posited that grant funding might be used to hire consultants to interview partners to make sure the community is meeting the needs of the partners (charter to draft questions and conduct interviews); Kirsten is willing to author if people support the idea. This reduce load on the community. It was suggested that we should review prior grants. People who want to join the working group should contact Kirsten.

  5. Samvera Virtual Connect reflections

    1. consider where vendors could co-present with partners

    2. for connect this idea of vendor & partners will show up in panels and workshops

    3. suggested that we could add onboarding to the normal show and tell, we are looking for that in Connect but we have had issues getting those for Virtual Connect

    4. suggested to establish a learning community where someone with expertise such as Python could teach or other emerging languages or tools of interest; many people are now using a variety of languages and tools given research computing and cloud infrastructures.

    5. suggested finding a way to find points of gravity for things on which we can work on together.

  6. Other Updates:

    1. Board special election - reminder for primary contacts to vote

    2. Call for Partner call demos

    3. Developers Congress May 22 - 26

      1. Google Analytics UA shutdown (July 2023) will be on the topic list

    4. Connect 2023 Oct. 22-26 in Philly - committee meets every Monday at 11am ET, still room to join

      1. Call for proposals is going out next week, will give 5 weeks and likely no extensions as we want to have the schedule available when registration opens mid-July

      2. Really need Julie Allinson Award Committee members; Doodle Poll to meet last week in May

    5. Maintenance pledge

    6. Heather at COAR annual meeting next week

Anything for the Samvera Board? (Standing item)

Date of next call: June 10th, 2023 w/Board facilitator
