HomeTopic ListDeveloper Congress Co-development Technologies template Planning Group

Topic suggestions for work during the DATE Developer Congress.  Please follow checklist below for submitting your proposed topic.  If your topic has related github issues they can be added to the Developer Congress Project Issue Board. --link

Topic Proposal Checklist


Title: Update ActiveFedora to work on Fedora 5.
Description: We have a branch sitting around that almost gets ActiveFedora working with Fedora 5, we could work together to get this passing.
Links: https://github.com/samvera/active_fedora/tree/fedora_5
Duration:  6 hrs
Proposed By:   name here
Facilitator: Seeking a facilitator.

NOTE: Put this information in the Proposed Topics table below.

Proposed Topics

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TitleDescriptionLinksTime EstimateProposed ByFacilitatorInterested in

Facilitator Guide

Contributor Resources

Goal of this checklist is to enable leaders of specific issues to be able to collect resources for those interested in contributing; aiming to provide a shared knowledge base before beginning the work together.  While optional, if you're facilitating a topic we recommend you provide these resources to attendees ahead of time: