
  1. Unconference Session at Samvera Connect 2019

Scope & Objectives

As the Samvera community has matured with a growing number of implementors, the need for a repository of infrastructure best practices is becoming more necessary. The focus of this group will be to provide the resources necessary to understand the underlying system technology implementation best practices in order to successfully support a highly available Samvera implementation in production.

We will focus on capturing the following topics:

  1. There is much duplication when it comes to Docker containers for certain infrastructure/services
  2. Primary Elements
    1. Deployment
    2. Runtime
    3. Dev. Practices
    4. Monitoring
    5. Observability
    6. Metrics
  3. Topics for Inclusion
    1. Anything that is required for the application to run in a particular environment
    2. Everything from environment variables, documentation, containers, continuous integration and deployment...
    3. Anything in the deployment and runtime environment
    4. Much larger in scope than application
  4. Gentle recommendations regarding software development best practices?
    1. A series of guardrails and referencing what those might be


Deliverables & Timeframe


  1. First Order
    1. DockerHub Organization for Samvera
    2. Dockerfiles for major stack components
      1. Fedora Commons 4.x
      2. Apache Solr 7.x & Solr 8.x
      3. Other components?
    3. Example docker-compose structure for the full stack (to remove reliance on solr_wrapper and fcrepo_wrapper for both dev and test)
    4. Vagrant image, ansible, or other full-stack example
  2. Aspirational
    1. Helm charts or guidance around other orchestration tools (e.g., Kubernetes)
    2. Other infrastructure-as-code templates/manifests/playbooks/examples (Puppet, Chef, Ansible, Terraform, Amazon CloudFormation)
    3. Guidelines for integrating and debugging Hyrax with Monitoring and Observability best practices

Time frame

The Samvera Infrastructure working group will begin its work in January 2020 and deliver a wrap-up report (with the goal of extending the work into a second cycle) at Samvera Connect 2020.

Meeting Times & Communication Channels

Blue Jeans (copy meeting info from one of the call Agenda/Notes pages)

