
Note Taker:Adam J. Arling

Program details on wiki here


  1. Changes to the agenda?

  2. Local Host Updates
  3. Closing plenary session
    1. What will this consist of?  Needs to be a worthwhile, tidy wrap-up - maybe summarizing the conference and teasing out trends, answering unanswered questions etc.  Need to refine this idea.
      1. ideas
        1. retrospective, sharing and processing an event (liked, learned, lacked, longed for) - Jessica Hilt can facilitate . Anna Headley, Emily Stenberg, Mollie Webb, Irene Taylor, & Deb Katz volunteering for this.
          (Each person will receive a card(s) to drive the group discussion.  Some kind of pre-prep to help speed the organizing / sorting of cards process?   Cards are sorted, then handed off to Jessica.  Request Jessica attend the next planning meeting to discuss further.  )  

        2. Samvera Connect 2020 - Chrissy will present.
      2. Discussion

  4. Unconference Scheduling Discussion 
    1. Starting Thursday afternoon?
      (Offering a one hour block Thursday would be helpful.  Working / Interest groups here?  How about 1-2 slots Thursday afternoon for Working / Interest Groups?  4pm slot start (after sessions).  If people need a Working / Interest group slot, it goes in Sessionizer.  )
    2. Extend time Friday AM, push back closing plenary?. Olin 142 (Plenary room) is reserved until 2 pm on Friday.
      (Friday session proposed start at 9am - room will open at 8am.  Assuming people will start filtering out after 12 noon on Friday to catch flights.  Unconference - keep all blocks same amount of time.  3 unconference sessions were scheduled last year.  Slot times are ~ 50 minutes, or have been in the past.  )

      How are unconference topics proposed?  Via people know in advance.
      All unconference requests should be submitted by end of lunch (1:45pm) on Thursday. 

  5. WG/IG Wednesday session
    1. Status check -  3 proposals  
  6. Workshop registrations
    1. Status check - 43 to date

  7. Lightning talks
    1. Status check - 4 proposals
  8. Poster Session
    1. Status check - 2 so far

  9. Sessionizer
    1. Status check: Aaron is organizing.

  10. Mentor program
    1. Status check 4 mentors

  11. Open discussion

  12. Future Meetings: 
    1. October, 2  (absent Richard and Karen)
    2. October, 16 (absent Karen)