
Note TakerRichard Green


  1. Changes to the agenda?

  2. Local Host Updates
  3. Plenary Speaker - Heidi Kolk (update) - $500 honorarium
    1. Ideas for topics

  4. Update on status of CFP Presentations and Panels submissions
    1. Review groupings/track ideas - translated into a draft timetable here
      Accept both grouping and timetable (thanks Anna!) subject to review by ALL to check for clashes etc by weekend.  Keep track titles.  Richard will publish the timetable next week and ask speakers to double check.
      Thursday sessions (and workshops) will not be recorded.
    2. What is the structure of each block?  2+2+2?  3+3?

  5. WG/IG Wednesday session (proposed)
    1. Updates
      1. Possible scheduling: 2 PM-3 PM?
    2. Submissions
      Richard will organize.
  6. Lightning talks
    1. CfP 5 September
    2. 5 min talk + 1 minute change over
    3. Any presentation material must be in Google drive prior to the talk to speed the process
      Talks will be in parallel with the poster reception 3-5pm.

  7. Poster Session
    1. Submissions
      Posters will not be put up until the WG/IG reports have begun at 2pm

  8. Mentor program
    1. Are we planning to run a Mentor program this year?
      1. 2018 list of mentors here; mentees here
    2. If so, who should we approach to coordinate it?

  9. Open discussion
    1. Workshop signups FYI - 26 so far.  Reminder tomorrow.

    2. Plenary session
      Add a 5 minute into to Prof Kolk; remove Contribution Model slot.  Group photo at the end of the morning session.

  10. Next Steps

  11. Future Meetings: 
    1. September, 4 (absent: Brian, Mollie) 
    2. September, 11 (absent: Margaret)
    3. September, 18 (absent Richard)
    4. October, 2  (absent Richard)
    5. October, 16