Meeting at 1:00 Central, US.  2018-01-09.




Review Charter

Review Timeline

Review Comments and Issues raised by community

Appoint Chair

Set Calendar of Meetings

Review First Deliverables

Possibly Useful Documents

Samvera Governance / Roadmapping/ Resourcing Activity - 2017-11-10

Governance Models for Samvera - original

Governance Model Planning and Notes - RJS 2017-11-30

Action Items

Meet again 2018-01-12

Carolyn and Rosie - Co-Facilitators

Pull together small team to work on Context/ Synthesis doc


The scope of the Samvera Governance Working Group’s deliverables will be:

Community Feedback

In the Comments for the establishment of the Working Group:  


Anna:  Define the problem statement the Working Group is trying to solve.  Does steering nor work anymore?  What was the issue or issues that drove a need for governance?

Karen Estlund:  You can review the bullets in the charter about desired attributes.  A need for a common, defined roadmap and plan.  

Not knowing what steering and partners do.  Partners may not feel they can make appropriate calls.

If you have a project and no raodmap, it's difficult to coordinate and work with others

Rosie:  There are questions around the direction of governannce.  What direction is the community going in?

Simeon:  How to finance general development - how do we get money to support common development?

Mark:  Notion of a how decions get made.  As a larger community, how do people plug in?  How do you participate?

Evviva:  Samvera very developer driven, to become sustainable, we need non-developers in governance and roadmaps

Mark:  we can't solve everything on the first shot

Michele:  We do have international concerns.  How do we include people from outside US and Canada?

Anna:  Look at the Component Working Group.  They are important to talk to as they work to organize and plan around specific components

Document development - discovery of themes in Context Documet - if we can knock out issues we're trying to address