Time: 3pm Easter/2pm Central/12pm Pacific

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1. Working with UX - to identify Hyrax UX/UI top priorities

We would like to keep a running list of UX issues our users experience, with a way to prioritize them. 

Steve Van Tuyl will talk to UX about this process, where to keep the list and how to work with UX to solve. Steve will report back to us after this convo. 

2. ORCID and Hyrax - what does it mean?

3. Tombstones - what have people done, should it be in Hyrax?

4.  Repo Managers Guide - Update, next steps

Chris Diaz reported: Subgroup is meeting tomorrow for continued work on this. 

5.  Enhancements to Notifications in Hyrax/Hyku

discussion about this brought up questions about large repos vs small repos and their needs around email. also brought up needs around email vs dashboard notifications. Hannah Frost requests that we provide thoughts/questions google document by end of January. 

6. CE features on Nurax