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  • $1M Arcadia grant to advance Hyku - Ellen Ramsey from UVA will join us.

    • Institutional Partners British Library and UVA

    • Presentation can be found here:

    • Finding developer cycles locally is a big challenge and will partner with a service provider (Ubiquity) to do the work.

    • British Library has had a software architect looking at Hyku for the past 18 months and will provide input to see how this project will integrate (beyond this project) to other areas (like digital preservation) and feed that information back to Ubiquity to ensure their development is mindful of broader needs and fed back to the project. 

    • They need feedback, questions to help guide this project, please provide that.

    • Richard Green asking if we can have a presentation that was done by the British Library (by Sarah _____) on the work British Library has already done with Ubiquity at next phone call

      • Yes, someone from Rachel’s team can likely do that.

    • Jon Dunn asked about community efforts on analytics and making sure work done here is not duplicated.

      • Ellen and Jon will discuss further to make sure there is no duplication of effort.

    • Hannah - is there a list of deliverables and timelines to accomplish these milestones.

      • There are initial milestones, they are working on setting what those will be and that will be posted to the web site when they have the time.

  • Next Partner Meeting

    • We were looking to have it in Pittsburg immediately following Code4Lib which is Sunday 8 March - Wednesday 11 March, 2020 (there is no LDCX next year) but we have been unable to find an affordable venue.  We are currently exploring other options (and therefore other dates in March/April).

  • Next Samvera Virtual Connect

    • tbd March/April 2020

  • Next Samvera Connect

    • October 27-30, 2020 in Santa Barbara (just across from the beach!).  We are planning for a Partner Meeting and Dev Congress on Monday 26th October.

      • We may shuffle the week around a bit, so workshops are at end of conference instead of the beginning. This may be changed because of Halloween and people wanting to make it back home to families.

  • Draft job description for possible Community Manager post here - pretty well final, please add any comments directly that might improve it.  Closing date for comments: EOB Friday 15 November.

    • Steering is meeting in January and should be able to make a final decision there.

  • Grants:  Steering would like to have brief details of any Samvera-related grant projects that you are working on.  They are going to (a) try and keep a list for everyone's info and (b) put together a historical list that might be useful in marketing etc.

    • This will be listed on the wiki, Richard will email partners in the near future asking for folks to add to this.

  • Anything to bring to Steering's attention? (Standing item)

  • add items here!

    • Mike from Tufts is looking for an institution that has done a Hyrax 2 to Hyrax 2.5 upgrade, if you can reach out to Mike and answer some questions he has about the upgrade process. He’ll reach out to Samvera Tech as well.

Video of Hyku Presentation:

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