Topic #1: What to do over the next year?
- Used to have mostly monthly meetings, with show & tells, that would be useful
- Work types - form a working group?
- Spin out small working group with metadata group, talk about what the default work group needs are, what fields do they need to have?
- Messaging - send an email every month that a meeting is coming up. Instead of just posting on slack channel
- Subscribe to Google groups - lots of activity there to monitor
- Give input on the road map - Nabeela is on the Road Map Council now. Think about how to impact that group. If they share their agendas in advance, see if RMIG can have an impact.
- Question about what the group does to have an impact on Hyrax development or other solution bundles. It’s generally kind of ad hoc and caught up in the churn. Discoverability is a more formalized effort.