Time: 3:00pm-4:00pm Eastern
Moderator: Juliet Hardesty
Notetaker: Juliet Hardesty
Community Notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dQwhHdcj4t5IYQXGGQ9EpHeJEEVr5tBb63Ez34UtG3E/edit?usp=sharing
jen young , Northwestern University
Ryan Johnson , UC San Diego
Gregory Reser , UC San Diego
John Huck , University of Alberta
Lisa McAulay , UCLA
Sarah Beth Seymore , University of Oregon
Juliet Hardesty , Indiana University
Claudia Horning , UCLA
Emily Stenberg , Washington University in St Louis
Sarah Imholt , Oregon State University
Dawn Childress , UCLA
Alberto Martinez , COLMEX
- Subgroup Reports
URI Selection WG - no update
- MODS to RDF WG - taking feedback until August 1; proposing presentation at Samvera Connect; likely the end of that working group at that point
- Hyrax Metadata Ordering WG - Work is finished. Report sent to product owners. No good solution was found.
- Geo Predicates WG - no update
- Issues/Questions
- SIGAHR - discussed latest Hyrax release at last meeting; Brian McBride at University of Utah working on newspaper migration at scale into Hyrax, interested in talking with others looking at same issue
- Topics
- Hyrax Descriptive Metadata review/documentation
Preparing documentation to be added to Samvera Community KB
Preparing issue list to take to Hyrax product owners and SIGAHR for input/feedback/planning
- Demo - Hyrax and URIs from Fedora - jen young, Northwestern University
DONUT - Digital Object Northwestern University Toolkit - https://github.com/nulib/donut
- Recording available - https://pawpaw.dlib.indiana.edu/media_objects/2227mp74d
- Hyrax Descriptive Metadata review/documentation
- Next meeting - August 28, 3pm Eastern