Time: 3:00pm-4:00pm Eastern
Call-In Info: +1 (641) 715 3660, access code 651025
Moderator: ruth.k.tillman and Juliet Hardesty
Notetaker: Ryan Wick
Community Notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rjxvFvNR-G7pQk2rh0AbpP_yvlC7-nEMHvklSPgUnxU/edit?usp=sharing
Julie Hardesty (Indiana University)
Ruth Tillman (Penn State University)
Ryan Johnson (UC San Diego)
Greg Reser (UC San Diego)
John Huck (University of Alberta)
Jen Young (Northwestern University)
Sarah Imholt (Oregon State University)
Ryan Wick (Oregon State University)
Anna Goslen (UNC-Chapel Hill)
Sarah Seymore (University of Oregon)
Julia Simic (University of Oregon)
Subgroup Reports
URI Selection WG
New term for microfilm reel suggested, being reviewed: https://github.com/samvera-labs/uri_selection_wg/issues/2
No news on vocab manager, maybe discussed at Partners Meeting
Still finalizing documentation, getting down to last predicates, next meeting will check out email drafts of announcement about work.
Hyrax Metadata Ordering WG
Done with initial evaluation of solutions that were offered (on Google Group message thread). Spreadsheet to gather data and organize solutions. Starting to write up findings, meeting again to possibly make recommendations for Hyrax codebase or just offer implementation solutions. Should be done in another month or so.
Geo Predicates WG (John)
Any updates on the Geospatial interest group leadership thing? [Ruth]
Nothing new to report from our group. We didn't have our regular meeting yesterday, because some members were attending LCDX.
Still regrouping from a change in our group's membership
Geospatial Interest Group still needing new Chair
Reports from other WGs (Documentation WG, SIGAHR)
SIGAHR has started meeting, Julie representing metadata interests. Could use additional group members to advise Hyrax roadmap. Meeting 2nd Tuesday of month at 2pm Eastern. https://wiki.duraspace.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=90976017
Documentation WG: Ruth attended March 6 meeting, talked about where and how they handling documentation, how they’re handling versioning. What people can contribute, how to support Hyrax project. Suggested instead of focusing on our own documentation, might be useful to figure out what metadata looks like for the community. How to explain this for a new metadata professional to understand. Documenting central work and local variations later. Could do Hyrax Documentation WG, work on community docs first, to help onboarding as well. Could also be a few work sessions instead of a full WG. Jen at Northwestern working on documenting their metadata for Hyrax right now, offered to share materials.
Documenting MAPs
See above Documentation WG
Hyrax Base Metadata WG proposal
Coming out of Avalon work that Julie and Jen have been doing. Descriptive metadata in Avalon is still MODS XML. Trying to switch that to RDF. Started creating mappings. Next steps are Avalon work with (on?) Hyrax. Seeing some gaps with Hyrax fields, if they should be more or different than what they are. If anyone else has experience with default Hyrax fields vs. what’s actually used. Examples: no genre field, confusion between Geographic Subjects and Place of Publication. No notes field. Some issues brought up previously, in backlog of tickets on GitHub (changing keyword field). Not just creating fields, changing existing fields requires migration path. Wanted to talk with this group to see if there’s anything else that fits with Hyrax. Working on fields used by community, tools or work on migration paths. Look at how to get changes actually included in Hyrax. Jen sees Documentation WG and Metadata Ordering WG work related to this. Documentation WG could evaluate most Hyrax fields against Decision Tree or how they’ve been modified for local use, part of assessment. Make notes of possible changes as fields are reviewed and documented. This could help inform the charter for the Base Metadata WG. Expect call for collaborating on documentation and writing charter.
Product Owner (PO) needed for hydra-pcdm (Product Owner Responsibilities)
Core Component Maintenance Working Group / SIGAHR looking for product owners. Thought someone with a metadata focus would be good for this one. Hydra-pcdm is a lower-level component not expecting a lot of activity. Product Owner roles are defined a bit more proactive than currently. Having enough understanding to prioritize backlog of issues. Some existing open issues with hydra-pcdm.
Put out here to metadata group to see if anyone is interested, can let Ruth or Julie know or post on listserv.
Next meeting - April 24