Time: 3:00pm-4:00pm Eastern
Call-In Info: +1 (641) 715 3660, access code 651025
Moderator: ruth.k.tillman
Notetaker: Ryan Wick
Community Notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1p3mk_cZ3HOCvk4NbrNN_pAnpK4P7gX_TMzFMq2Oi-CA/edit?usp=sharing
Ryan Wick (Oregon State University Libraries)
Ruth Kitchin Tillman (Penn State University)
Sarah Imholt (Oregon State University Libraries)
Linda Ballinger (Penn State University)
John Huck (University of Alberta)
Anna Goslen (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Irene Taylor (Washington Univ. in St. Louis)
Andy Weidner (University of Houston)
Alberto Martinez (El Colegio de México)
Subgroup Reports
URI Selection WG - group meeting as needed, OSU exploring possible proposal for vocab manager
MODS to RDF WG - (from Julie) We seem to be down to final tweaks on the white paper before we’re ready to send it out for feedback. Our next meeting is March 5 and we might need one more meeting after that but we are drafting the email to ask for feedback and the set of listservs we want to send this around to, so it really is getting close!
Hyrax Metadata Ordering WG - charge and info here: https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/samvera/Hyrax+Metadata+Ordering+Working+Group+Charter
Group currently planning first meeting.Geo Predicates WG (John) - session at Geo4LibCamp at end of January. Got some good feedback, other types of geospatial resources going in to repositories. Group still working on things that were underway before Christmas. James and John had good call with François Daoustof W3C about the W3C/OGC collaboration on best practices for geospatial data on the web. Related to work on metadata. DCAT coming from W3C, extensions for spatial data in European community (GeoDCAT-AP). Chair of Geospatial Interest Group Darren Hardy left position, Interest Group looking for new Chair. Some discussion on how to keep Interest Group moving forward. Interested folks can contact John or the WG.
Reports from other WG
Ruth meeting with Documentation Working Group at their next meeting and will report back.
Documenting MAPs
Challenge of building documentation that is for internal use but also useful to share. Possible DogBiscuits models to share. Let Ruth know about any additional topics to share or discuss.
Hyrax Roadmap and SIGHAR
Julie passed on news of this group, she joined along with others to include metadata perspectives.
Alberto - how to integrate archival metadata into Hyrax, asks if anyone has done work in this area. Ruth mentioned work done by group mapping collection-level metadata to schema.org, poster at DCMI. University of Houston has some workflow tools to pull in descriptive metadata from ArchivesSpace and put into Hyrax. Looking at born digital materials and folder hierarchies.
Next meeting
March 27