Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Critical questions in bold orange.


Admin SetsCollectionsCollection TypesWorksComments
tabsDescription onlyDescription onlyDescription onlyAll tabsI'm ok with the difference in action here because the works UI is significantly different than the others.
save button nameSaveCreate CollectionSaveSaveWhich pattern do you want to move towards?
save goes toeditediteditshowWhich pattern do you want to move towards?  Seems like Works is a set pattern by itself.  The other 3 should probably be the same.
cancel button nameCancelCancelCancelCancelThis is truly cancel in all cases.
cancel goes toindexHomeindexDashboardThese seem wrong and should probably be index for all.
tabsAll tabsAll tabsAll tabsAll tabsThis seems correct in all cases.
save button nameSaveUpdate CollectionSaveSaveWhich pattern do you want to move towards?
save goes toeditshoweditshowWhich pattern do you want to move towards?
cancel button nameCancelCancelCancelCancelIf we stay on the edit page, it seems like this should be Done.
cancel goes toindexHomeindexDashboardThese seem wrong and should probably be index for all.
has save button?noyesyesyesI'm not as concerned about this, but it is an inconsistency.
add happens immediatelyyesyesyesyesThis seems correct in all cases.
