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TitleAudienceFormatSuggested byPossible Presenter(s)
Oh Dear, What Have We Done? Lightning round of local modifications Hyrax institutions have implemented.Other: Hyrax Users and Wannabe UsersLightning Talk?


Accessibility and SamveraAllPresentation or Workshop
Distributed Usability Research Team Retrospective (& Planning?)Devs, UX, Repo managersPanelUXIG members/ repo managers members? David McCallum
Moving to AWS (possibly also include alternatives to AWS? i.e. Google Cloud/Azure)AllPanelCarolyn Caizzi

Stanford (Hannah Frost, Erin Fahy); Notre Dame (Don Brower); Northwestern (names forthcoming, possibly Carolyn Caizzi; david.schober; or Michael Klein)

Documenting our Metadata Application Profiles (MAPS) Before Migration

As the Samvera Community prepares for migration, can we get a handle on the metadata we have and what we share with the community? Let's sit down together to document what we're saying about our objects, how we're expressing it and learn from others' ideas. Bring your weird and wild worst practices, build together toward better practices.

Session goals would be: to provide a place to sit down and do the work together, talk about similarities or differences, and provide some context for what we do or don't want our MAPS to look like as we migrate to a new system.

Metadataists/members of the Samvera Metadata IG (not the official IG meeting though)Breakout working session, maybe 2 hours?

ruth.k.tillman & Juliet Hardesty

Metadata community

How are people using workflows and Admin Sets in production Hyrax systems?AllPresentation, panel?jrudder

In production or migrating to Hyrax. Aaron Collier, Steve Van Tuyl ??

Developing plugins for HyraxDevPresentation or WorkshopBrian McBride
Collections as Data - what does this look like in (or in relation to) a Samvera repository?Devs, Repo managersBreakout

Hannah Frost, Kate Lynch, others please!

Looking to migrate to Samvera?potential migrators from bepress, but also from elsewhereworkshop
What should we be testing? Features, Views, Models, Controllers? Thoughts on how to choose what and where to test.DevsPanel?Jeremy Friesen
Samvera and Digital PreservationWho is integrating digital preservation applications/processes into their Samvera instances? What are some good approaches? Bad ones?Panel?Steve Van Tuyl

?? not sure who is doing this work but Richard Green presented on some archivematica work last year
