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Scope & Objectives



Predicate Decision Tree

SamveraVocabManagerFunctionalRequirements.pdf — Samvera Vocab Manager [Google Doc of same: Functional Requirements]

Suggested Review Process (modify based on best practice)

  • Request received

  • Working Group discusses over email/via voting form if request can be approved as-is or if a meeting is necessary to discuss

  • If request cannot be approved as-is:

    • Working Group comes together (quorum of 5 people) in regularly-scheduled bi-weekly meeting

      • Person making request can be asked to join this meeting

    • Review request and gather information needed to research for [certain amount of time]

    • Working Group meets again (special meeting time or next regularly-scheduled bi-weekly meeting) and makes decision (based on majority vote of quorum present)

      • Accept request as-is

      • Accept request with specified changes

      • Reject request with specified reasons

Meeting Notes


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