Moderator(s): Annamarie Klose
Notetaker: Emma Beck
Emma Beck - University of Louisville
Morgan McKeehan (she/her/hers), Oregon State University Libraries & Press
Annamarie Klose (she/her/hers), Ohio State University
Steve McDonald, Tufts University
Anna Goslen, UNC Chapel Hill
Sarah Proctor (she/her), http:
Please put your name here//Scientist.com
Christine Peterson, Amigos Library Services
Heather Greer Klein, Samvera
Samvera community updates - Heather Greer Klein
Monday December 2nd, Samvera Community meeting
State of samvera presentation, share fair
Pared down samvera slack channel
Pulling together a welcome channel when people enter the community
Roadmaps alignment group
Preparing for the Community meeting
Documentation Group
See GitHub for documentation issues (https://github.com/orgs/samvera/projects/33/views/2 )
Lack of language tags for text fields in Samvera Hyrax - there is an open issue for this! - Benjamin Riesenberg
Regional meetings takeaways
Open Discussion
Originated from a question of Benjamin Riesenberg
Is this something that we want?
Dspace has language tags, but CONTENTdm does not
Language field is not always enough, some have multiple languages
There is a way in the iiif community to support language tags
Internationalization seems like a good idea
How would it be implemented? Would every field have a language field?
A feature in similar communities, but not in ours
Is the lack of this preventing libraries in Canada from using Samvera?
University of Victoria is a current user
Maybe we can start a wishlist which this can be added to? Would help prioritize this work
There is a label in github #metadata but there are currently on 4 tags, so that could be a good start
Regional meetings takeaways
Midwest meeting - nice to get to know people using other samvera technologies. A lot more in common between Hyrax and Hyku. Hoping Hyku will get move involved in the community at large
Biggest commonality across all the meetings was how close Hyrax and Hyku are getting closer and closer
How does the community come together to identify priorities?
Time to forge a new way forward
After figuring out how Hyrax Tech Lead position will go forward
Re-establish roadmap
Accessibility sprint worked very well, so using the things that worked well there
Open Discussion
Can the text of a PDF be searched by a search engine.
Yes if using a pdf.js viewer
Next meeting: January 28th