Meeting Logistics:
Time: 9:00am PDT / Noon EDT
Zoom Meeting URL:
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<add your agenda item here (your name)>
Moderator: Chris Colvard
Notetaker: Rob Kaufman
Meeting Process
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Emory continues fcrepo 6 performance testing.
Most performance is solid, but loading the edit collection page and saving collections can take many minutes
Emory is deeming the slow collection edit as something they can live with
Worth investigating if the nested indexer is on or not
Pull requests
PRs for active fedora and hydra head upgrading them to Rails 7.2 are ready for review
Small PR for google analytics 4 download counts not being tracked correctly
Questions in dev, hyrax and hyku channels were discussed and assigned as follows
Rob to respond to Hyku channel question about branding paths
Rebecca to respond to dev channel question about UV
Hyrax question from Margaret needs to wait for Daniel to follow up
Note taker and facilitator for next call
Rebecca will take notes
Chris will facilicate