Chris Awre - regrets
Your name here!
Architecture ideas for Samvera websites, wireframes (Adam)
Built a custom adapter to fix issues with the GitHub API and the carousel on the homepage
What do we need to do to start the hyku subdomain page?
Kevin and Adam will look at the existing Hyku page and what will port over.
This is our focus, with the goal of getting it done before OR2024.
Contribute page https://samvera.org/the-community/contribute
Welcoming new NextJS help
James Griffith will be helping Adam with NextJS work! Meeting Friday morning to walk through the set-up
Other website updates
Making the case documents
Adopting open source - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1D0MobjE4WNJLzqh-jlObzv5jhLJQA7X8zbkBqpHMnPg/edit
Value of going to Samvera Connect - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HOIgiB43SR4_wBvTTK0MHfEbjaCgePRmlUCWveCCaA0/edit - hold to next year?
Value of Samvera Partnership - https://docs.google.com/document/d/15TQyIFQvCf939WkHxH0RXzxmObi-ZcFQKl8_fOspLcQ/edit