Rebekah Kati (UNC-Chapel Hill)
Kevin Kochanski (SoftServ)
Nicholas Homenda
Daniel Pierce
Nicholas Stanton-Roark
Rachel Howard
Heather Greer
Rob Kaufman
Hyrax Maintenance Working Group update - Rebekah Kati and Daniel Pierce
Hyrax 5.0.1 release
Update on accessibility work
May Developer Congress
Hyrax-Fedora 6 Working group update
Topics and Projects
Hyku news
Double Combo
Needs a review from outside SoftServ
Rob is willing to help with a walkthrough
Could use some help getting this review
Repo.samvera.org is now migrating w/ Valkyrie
Update on Valkyrie data migration work
Next step is a release soon
Touch base on GA4
There are sponsors for this if we can assess how much work is left
Daniel: This is taking the piece that supplies the data and applying it to the new dashboard
Motomo may have a gap in reporting some statistics
UNC is implementing Motomo, so Rebekah will test this soon
Remaining work: Bring in new GA4 analytics gem and then write it to the dashboard
Kevin will find an existing estimate and run that past Rebekah and Daniel for review