Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Remove Red5. Update Avalon instructions.

This documentation is for Release 6.x3. For documentation on previous releases, please select from the options below.

  • Release 1.x version of this page: v.81
  • Release 2.x version of this page: v.87.
  • Release 3.0-3.1 version of this page: v.111.
  • Release 3.2 version of this page: v.116.
  • Release 4.0 version of this page: v.143.
  • Release 5.x version of this page: v.163.
  • Release 6.0 version of this page: v.177

These instructions provide a recipe for building your own all-in-one Avalon system from scratch on CentOS or Red Hat Enterprise Linux, version 6.x is supported, 7.x will be supported soon.  Please note that while an all-in-one installation as outlined here is certainly suitable for testing and demos,  a single, all-in-one, server may not be suitable for production environments.


80HTTP (Avalon)Yes1935RTMP (red5)Yes
5080HTTP (red5)No
8983HTTP (Solr)No
8984HTTP (Fedora)No
8080HTTP (Matterhorn)Yes


See documentation for your version of MySQL Server for detailed syntax ( )


Media Streaming Server

Red5 is an open source alternative to Adobe Media Server. If using the Adobe Media Server you can skip to the next step.

Create a red5 user.

Code Block
useradd red5

Download and install Red5.

Code Block
tar xvf red5-1.0.1.tar.gz
mv red5-server-1.0 /usr/local/red5

Download the init script and add it to the init.d directory.

Code Block
wget -O
mv /etc/rc.d/init.d/red5

Give Red5 permissions to the red5 directory and the init script.

chown -R red5:red5 /usr/local/red5 chmod +x /etc/rc.d/init.d/red5
Code Block

Red5 is no longer the default streaming server for Avalon 6.3. With the upgrade to MediaElementjs 4, we now rely completely on HLS.

By default, Avalon prechunks HLS artifacts that can be served by any webserver, see: Matterhorn's distribute-streaming workflow. However many consider that inflexible and inconvenient.

An HLS-enabled server like Wowza (commercial) or Nginx + the HLS module (open-source) can take an mp4 created from distribute-streaming and stream it on the fly. Then prechunking can be disabled by commenting out the distribute-hls operation. Instructions for setting up Nginx will follow soon.


Installation prerequisites


The following commands need to run under a user other than root. Change to the red5 another user to continue.

Code Block
su - red5someuser

Run the ffmpeg installer

Code Block
rpm -ivh

# Retrieving
#   1:ffmpeg                 warning: user makerpm does not exist - using root
# warning: group makerpm does not exist - using root
########################################### [100%]
# warning: user makerpm does not exist - using root
# warning: group makerpm does not exist - using root
# Build ffmpeg binary as non-root and install as root

rpmbuild -bb rpmbuild/SPECS/ffmpeg24.spec


Code Block
su - root
rpm -ivh /home/red5someuser/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/ffmpeg-*.rpm


Code Block
cd ~
git clone git://
cd avalon
git checkout master #make sure you are in the master branch (should be by default)
su - root
chown avalon:avalon /var/www/avalon/public/
su - avalon
mv public/* /var/www/avalon/public/
rmdir public
mv  * /var/www/avalon/

Configure Avalon 

titleNew Config gem

As of 6.3, Avalon is using the flexible and increasingly popular Config gem. Default settings for Avalon can be selectively overwritten by putting custom ones in config/settings/

Configure Avalon 



If using vim with default settings and pasting the the code below, it will automatically comment out the last line. To prevent that, enable paste using the command :set paste and then use just ctrl+shift+v instead of going into insert mode.


Code Block
if ENV['MY_RUBY_HOME'] && ENV['MY_RUBY_HOME'].include?('rvm')
     gems_path = ENV['MY_RUBY_HOME'].split(/@/)[0].sub(/rubies/,'gems')
     ENV['GEM_PATH'] = "#{gems_path}:#{gems_path}@global"
     require 'rvm'
     RVM.use_from_path! File.dirname(File.dirname(__FILE__))
   rescue LoadError
     raise "RVM gem is currently unavailable."
 # If you're not using Bundler at all, remove lines bellow
 ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] = File.expand_path('../Gemfile', File.dirname(__FILE__))
 require 'bundler/setup'

Configure database settings

Code Block
cd /var/www/avalon/config
cp authentication.yml.example


Code Block
vim database.yml

Replace database.yml with the correct values for your production environment

Code Block
  adapter: mysql2
  host: localhost
  database: rails
  username: rails
  password: rails
  pool: 5
  timeout: 5000

Install the mysql2 adapter 

Code Block
yum install cmake #<--will be required for rugged gem
yum install mariadb-devel
su - avalon
gem install activerecord-mysql2-adapter
gem install mysql2
vim /var/www/avalon/Gemfile

Add this line to the Gemfile

Code Block
gem 'mysql2', '~>0.3.20'

If you are using mysql instead of sqllite (as is done throughout this document), then comment out the following lines in the Gemfile


Code Block
  adapter: mysql2
  host: localhost
  database: rails
  username: rails
  password: rails
  pool: 5
  timeout: 5000

Install the mysql2 adapter 

Code Block
yum install cmake #<--will be required for rugged gem
yum install mariadb-devel
su - avalon
gem install activerecord-mysql2-adapter
gem install mysql2
vim /var/www/avalon/Gemfile

Run the bundle install

Code Block
# as root
yum install nodejs # Javascript runtime 

# as avalon
cd /var/www/avalon
gem update debugger-ruby_core_source
gem install bundler
bundle install --with mysql

Finish configuring Avalon


Code Block
    path: '/var/avalon/dropbox/'
    upload_uri: 'sftp://localhost/var/avalon/dropbox'
    username: 'test'
    password: 'test'
    notification_email_address: ''
    port: 80


Code Block
cd /var/www/avalon/config
rake secret

 grab the output of rake secret and add it to secrets.yml where instructed.

More information: Configuration Files#config/secrets.yml

Create controlled_vocabulary.yml

Code Block
cp controlled_vocabulary.yml.example controlled_vocabulary.yml

Create the database using rake


Change the secrets.yml file:

Code Block
cd /var/www/avalon/config
rake db:create

If you get an error message saying that you can't connect to the database, take a look at this post and follow some of the troubleshooting steps.

Run the database migrations

Code Block
rake db:migrate

Set rails environment to development, if it has not defaulted to this. On the first line of /var/www/avalon/config/environment.rb make sure it says 'development'

Code Block
ENV['RAILS_ENV'] ||= 'development'

Visit your new Avalon site!

You should be able to visit the webpage with just the hostname (ie http://localhost)

Click on "Sign in" in the upper right corner of the website main page. Set up a default identity with the following properties.

Code Block
<some password>

This is a known identity with administrative privileges.

Redis & Resque

Avalon uses Resque for background processing, which relies Redis as its key-value store.

Install Redis

Code Block
yum install redis

Start Resque

Code Block
# as avalon (replace production with development if necessary)
cd /var/www/avalon/
RAILS_ENV=production BACKGROUND=yes bundle exec rake resque:scheduler
RAILS_ENV=production BACKGROUND=yes QUEUE=* bundle exec rake resque:work

Resque logs to log/resque.log in the avalon directory. 

To restart rescue, simple kill its two processes (`ps aux | grep resque`) and run the above commands again.

Red5 Avalon Security Webapp

Code Block
cd /usr/local/red5/webapps
tar xvzf red5-avalon.tar.gz
chown -R red5:red5 avalon/

Edit /usr/local/red5/webapps/avalon/WEB-INF/

Code Block

Restart Red5

Code Block
service red5 restart



 grab the output of rake secret and add it to secrets.yml where instructed.

More information: Configuration Files#config/secrets.yml

Create controlled_vocabulary.yml

Code Block
cp controlled_vocabulary.yml.example controlled_vocabulary.yml

Create the database using rake

Code Block
# as avalon user
cd /var/www/avalon
rake db:create

If you get an error message saying that you can't connect to the database, take a look at this post and follow some of the troubleshooting steps.

Run the database migrations

Code Block
rake db:migrate

Set rails environment to development, if it has not defaulted to this. On the first line of /var/www/avalon/config/environment.rb make sure it says 'development'

Code Block
ENV['RAILS_ENV'] ||= 'development'

Visit your new Avalon site!

You should be able to visit the webpage with just the hostname (ie http://localhost)

Click on "Sign in" in the upper right corner of the website main page. Set up a default identity with the following properties.

Code Block
<some password>

This is a known identity with administrative privileges.

Redis & Resque

Avalon uses Resque for background processing, which relies Redis as its key-value store.

Install Redis

Code Block
yum install redis

Start Resque

Code Block
# as avalon (replace production with development if necessary)
cd /var/www/avalon/
RAILS_ENV=production BACKGROUND=yes bundle exec rake resque:scheduler
RAILS_ENV=production BACKGROUND=yes QUEUE=* bundle exec rake resque:work

Resque logs to log/resque.log in the avalon directory. 

To restart rescue, simple kill its two processes (`ps aux | grep resque`) and run the above commands again.

Additional Configurations
