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OptionExplanationExample Usage

Default Value

CONFIRMRequired in order to prevent accidental executionCONFIRM=yes 
pidsA comma separated list of Avalon 5.x Fedora 3 pids to migratepids=avalon:1,avalon:2,avalon:3 
pidfilePath to a filename containing one Avalon 5.x Fedora 3 pid per linepidfile=/path/to/pidfile


parallel_processesNumber of parallel processes the migration tool should useparallel_processes=4number of processors - 2
overwriteDetermines whether: existing Fedora 4 objects should be kept, cleaned out, and reused (overwrite=true); or new objects should be created even if matching migrated objects already exist (overwrite=false)overwrite=true


namespaceThe Fedora 3 namespace that should be migratednamespace=mediaavalon

Rerunning the migration

Once the migration is running, it is best to let it fully finish before attempting to rerun failed objects.  The migration should fail objects that are missing parent or child objects.  Once the migration is finished running, a list of the failed object ids can be collected into a file by running this command:
