Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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Avalon 7.2

Available for download at the Github releases page.

Avalon 7.2 includes support for supplemental files, an improved authentication flow for restricted content, and the ability to merge items, as well as variety of bug fixes and updates for supporting libraries and components.


  • Intermediate Page When Accessing Restricted Content
  • Support for supplemental files
    • Files of any type can be
    • Files can be associated at the item or section level
  • Merge multiple items


  • Cron jobs now run through Sidekiq
  • Dependency updates
  • Structural Metadata Editor can be used when no audio data is present
  • Added stereo mixdown to encoding parameters for video
  • Added link to Sidekiq dashboard under the "Manage" menu

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes for S3 transcoding
  • Fix API issues with collection names
  • Better aligned elements in the embedded media player

Avalon 7.1.1

Avalon 7.1.1 is now available for download at the Github releases page.


Avalon 7.1.1 includes a number of smaller updates and bug fixes.


  • Email and website contact fields added for collections
  • Added probe service for IIIF
  • IIIF authorization added to manifests
  • Dependency upgrades; Rails updated to
  • Structural metadata editor updates
    • Play/pause using the spacebar
    • Finer precision available for time values
    • Bug fix for parent suggestions when adding a new timespan
    • Fix for save structure flash message remaining indefinitely
    • Disable drag and drop during inline editing

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with quality selection and volume levels being reset between sections
  • Fixed autoplay functionality for Playlists
  • Zero-width space characters stripped from form input
  • Derivative files are deleted when masterfiles are deleted
  • The "Become" feature in user management respects LDAP group membership
  • Fixed a bug with the replay feature of batch ingest
