Required file field. Content files listed in the manifest file must have the correct path noted for where those files are located in the Avalon dropbox, relative to the manifest file. Additionally, all content files must include a file extension. If necessary, include any directories or subdirectories (note the paths listed in columns D and F in the above example).
Label, Offset, and Skip Transcoding can be listed in any order following the file they are describing. Absolute Location can only be used following Skip Transcoding if Skip Transcoding is included and its value is set to "yes".
Label is used for display in single item views. Recommended use is to reflect the content captured in digitized media files (such as the Part 1 and Part 2 of the piece performed or titles of songs).
Only repeatable following a file entry.
Editable after ingest in "Label" field of Manage Files page
Offset is used to set the thumbnail and poster image for the display in search/browse results and single item views. Must be entered between 00:00:00.000 and length of file.
Excel will automatically format hh:mm:ss into time. To circumvent this, begin time offset with a single quote, for example: '0:10 for 00:00:10 and '1:06 for 00:01:06.
Only repeatable following an additional file.
Default is 2 seconds into playback.
Only applicable to video files. Audio files have a default thumbnail, offset will be ignored.
If a record contains multiple files, the first offset listed will set the thumbnail and poster image for the Avalon record.
Editable after ingest in "Poster Offset" field of Manage Files page or on the item preview page.
Skip Transcoding
Skip Transcoding is used if a pre-encoded derivative of the file is what is being uploaded to Avalon instead of the master version of the file. This presumes that the derivative(s) match the requirements explained in Avalon Derivatives. Master file location information should be included for complete object ingest. See Absolute Location (below) for further information.
Only repeatable following a file entry.
Valid values: “yes” or “no”
See section below for skipping transcoding with multiple quality levels of derivative.
Absolute Location
Absolute Location is used with Skip Transcoding to indicate the location of the master version of a video or audio file when the file uploaded to Avalon is a pre-encoded derivative.
Only repeatable following Skip Transcoding if Skip Transcoding is included and its value is set to “yes”.
If Skip Transcoding is set to “no” or not included, Absolute Location will be ignored.
Absolute Location should be the full URI path of the server housing the master version of the file.
Date Ingested
This represents the date the item was ingested into Avalon Media System.
This date will not be visible within the user interface to normal users.
For system administrators and collection managers, a Limit By facet with these values will be available for search/browse.
If this column is not included, Date Ingested will automatically be set to the day on which the ingest process is completed by Avalon.
Include a valid date with format 2015-12-31 in this column to override the value being automatically set by the system.
Transcript File
Content files listed in the manifest file must have the correct path noted for where those files are located in the Avalon dropbox, relative to the manifest file. Additionally, all content files must include a file extension. If necessary, include any directories or subdirectories (note the paths listed in columns D and F in the above example).
Transcript File Label
The label to be used for the transcript file
Only repeatable following a Transcript File entry
Transcript File Language
Only repeatable following a transcript file entry.
Transcript language should describe the language of the transcript content. Only terms or codes from the MARC Code list for Languages may be used. Entering a language term not from the list will set the transcript language to the default defined in the settings.yml file. If left blank or otherwise not included the transcript language will be set to the default defined in the settings.yml file.
Editable after ingest in the Section Files menu on the Manage Files page.
Machine Generated
Option to record that the transcript file has been machine generated and may contain error
"yes" or "no"
Only repeatable following a Transcript File entry
Caption File
Caption files listed in the manifest file must have the correct path noted for where those files are located in the Avalon dropbox, relative to the manifest file. Additionally, all caption files must include a file extension. If necessary, include any directories or subdirectories.
Only repeatable following a file entry.
Caption Label and Caption Language can be listed in any order following the caption file they are describing.
Caption File can be updated or removed later via the Section Files menu on the Manage Files page.
Caption Label
Only repeatable following a caption file entry.
Caption Label is used for display in caption/subtitle selection menu in the player. If left blank or otherwise not included the caption filename will be used as the caption label.
Editable after ingest in the Section Files menu on the Manage Files page.
Caption Language
Only repeatable following a caption file entry.
Caption language should describe the language of the caption content. Only terms or codes from the MARC Code list for Languages may be used. Entering a language term not from the list will set the caption language to the default defined in the settings.yml file. If left blank or otherwise not included the caption language will be set to the default defined in the settings.yml file.
Editable after ingest in the Section Files menu on the Manage Files page.
Treat as Transcript
Option to mark that the caption file should also be treated as a transcript for inclusion in the Transcript tab on the item view page as well as search results.
"yes" or "no"
Only repeatable following a Caption File entry
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