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Notetaker: Julie Hardesty
Julie Hardesty (Indiana University)
Collin Brittle (Emory University)
Chris Colvard (Indiana University)
Rebecca Pattillo (University of Louisville)
Amanda Hurford (PALNI)
Yuji Shinozaki (U.Va)
Hyrax Maintenance Working Group update - Julie Hardesty
Current work cycle Project Board - https://github.com/samvera/hyrax/projects/23
Topics and Projects
Hyrax on Wings
Hyku News
Reminders: Samvera Connect, October 18-22 and Samvera Developers Congress, November 8-12
Next meeting: Wednesday, November 10, 11:30am Eastern
Hyrax Maintenance Working Group update - Julie Hardesty
Current work cycle Project Board - Hyrax Maintenance WG - July-December 2021 · samvera/hyrax
Work slowing down without Hyrax Tech Lead; 1 developer so issues still being worked on but slower pace; focusing on testing and documentation updates; also trying out asking for code contributions on issues where institutions have reported working on a fix locally - seeing how this works to incorporate a PR without a Tech Lead
3 more sprints for this work cycle (July-December 2021)
Topics and Projects
Hyrax on Wings (Valkyrie)
Issues being worked on for Val MVP (https://github.com/samvera/hyrax/issues , also using label “wings”)
Developing a deployable instance called nurax-pg on samvera-labs (https://github.com/samvera-labs/nurax-pg )
HMWG and others will test using Hyrax Release Test Script when instance is deployed and running (DCE is hosting this instance)
This work is to establish a Hyrax codebase that can fully function with a backend that is not using ActiveFedora and doesn’t rely on Fedora 4
There is a Fedora 6 adaptor: https://github.com/samvera/valkyrie#fedora-56-compatibility
What nurax-pg will test is Hyrax running with Postgres but once that is working, it should be a one-line configuration change to test nurax-pg running with Fedora 6 (will also need a Fedora 6 instance to point to but we can discuss possibility with DCE)
Lynette Rayle and tamsin johnson are main folks doing this work now but definitely interested in help from others if that is possible
Hoping to have nurax-pg instance ready for testing soon (DCE is working on this deploy right now)
2022 Samvera Technology Maintenance Hours Pledge Drive
Pledge hours are for any Samvera technology and not just Hyrax (Hyku, core components, Avalon)
Can specify if there is something of particular interest for working on with pledged hours
Hyrax work will incorporate pledged hours into planning
Sticking with sprint schedule (2 weeks on and 2 weeks off)
Not sure yet if this means there will be a call for HMWG members separate from pledge drive
Also looking for list of folks that can be consulted for code components (searching/indexing, admin dashboard, branding, faceting, etc) so there are options for code review/PR merging that can take some of the load off of a Hyrax Tech Lead person
Also not sure if there will be a Hyrax Tech Lead soon or not
Hyku News
Hyku 3.0.2 in the works
Still running on Hyrax 2.x (pretty sure)
Hyku 4.0 also in the works (likely to use Hyrax 3.0?)
Reminders: Samvera Connect, October 18-22 and Samvera Developers Congress, November 8-12
Next meeting: Wednesday, November 10, 11:30am Eastern