Time: 11:30am-12:00pm Eastern
Connection Info: https://iu.zoom.us/j/94019873775?pwd=cmlSb2tCNmQzbmlhUXgvNHVIVkxLUT09
enter pass: 175760
Attendees: tamsin johnson, Chris Colvard, Julie Hardesty, Rachel Howard, Rebecca Pattillo, Heather Greer Klein, Rob Kaufman
Hyrax Maintenance Working Group update - tamsin johnson and Julie Hardesty
Dev Congress ongoing this week
Topics and Projects
Tech Lead description draft - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SEzwIVrF1NBQAWQ9clSc9vubNyb_wTTyujApcKQaW-Y/edit?usp=sharing
Hyku news
Next meeting: Wednesday, August 11, 11:30am Eastern
Hyrax Maintenance Working Group update - tamsin johnson and Julie Hardesty
Dev Congress ongoing this week
Started new cycle July-Sept, same group of folks participating (tamsin, jessica hilt, rebecca kati, daniel pierce - please fix spelling errors for names).
Still open to having people participate as a developer, not too late to join!
Working through new project board and continuing with GitHub issues. This week is the first sprint in the cycle, joining up with the Samvera Developer Conference at the same time.
Doing some local installs of Hyrax using docker instructions - it worked!
Valkyrie work ongoing
Data seeds … (please expand here, I was confused)
Feature being worked on for file level permissions
Topics and Projects
Tech Lead description draft - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SEzwIVrF1NBQAWQ9clSc9vubNyb_wTTyujApcKQaW-Y/edit?usp=sharing
If anyone has thoughts on this, please add comments to the doc!
Julie would like to get this out to the community by end of July so by August can start having conversations about who the tech lead could be
tamsin will offer their feedback by last few days of July (they will be out the first week of August and Julie is out the last week of July)
Hyku news
Rob - lot of dev work going on right now, but not much movement on longer running tasks at the moment. Will be meeting with Advancing Hyku grant to discuss code being contributed back to Hyku community.
Oregon Digital Bulkrax grants wrapping up within the next day or two - roundtripping, export with bagit
Notch8 has 4 other projects to expand Bulkrax including support for other metadata schemas (MODS, METS, etc.).
Bulkrax is fully Hyrax3 compatible
Roadmaps alignment group doing work - hopefully some movement this fall towards institutions contributing back
No word on IMLS or Hyku for Consortia grant yet
Next meeting: Wednesday, August 11, 11:30am Eastern