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Moderator: Chris Colvard

Notetaker:  Juliet Hardesty


  • Issue States GitHub App deprecated (Chris Colvard)


    • Is anyone using it? Can we remove it?

      • not sure if any core gems are using this

      • Impacts project boards (auto action when issue is dragged to Done column, for example)

      • GitHub actions replacement?

      • installed at organization level so unclear what repos are impacted; nothing is broken about it but it is deprecated

      • need some steps to replace and notice isn’t providing that - not sure what functionality breaks if this is turned off so not sure how to replace it

      • not turned on for all repos and hyrax repo does not have this turned on (hydra-head, activeFedora has it turned on and 15-16 other repos)

      • tamsin suspending this feature, if no one complains, it will be uninstalled

  • Moving nurax-pg testing forward (Hyrax on Valkyrie)

    • DCE not able to host nurax-pg for October testing/November work - asking for instance support starting next year but immediate need still there to host nurax-pg instance for upcoming work

    • cannot create default admin set right now - set up as Hyrax::AdministrativeSet and that isn’t working yet

      • Lynette has 2 PRs in progress to help with this

      • do we need new service for Hyrax::AdministrativeSet (Valkyrie) to separate from AF service?

        • for those who customized AF service

        • new service reduces risk of introducing bugs

        • can make this change backward compatible but side by side service does have a lot of repeated code

        • old class would also not be used by Hyrax at all

          • rake task that creates default admin set uses old class right now

          • might be used in new admin set process

        • tamsin removed default admin set creation from rake task and added it to data seeds

          • seeds used for testing process so there might be items there for testing that folks wouldn’t want in production environment

          • engine seeds are used for extreme example items (performance testing) - uses old service to create default admin set

          • generated internal_test_app (dassie) seeds are geared toward example items that are not extremes but are representative

        • nurax-pg app comes up now; can go to home page and go to dashboard but you can’t add anything

      • need instructions added for how to run engine seeds

      • nurax-pg should run internal test app seeds on deploy and helm chart can take care of doing that

      • tamsin testing deploy of nurax-pg app and talk with Notch8 about place for that to live for this upcoming work

    • Tech Call next week

      • Moderator: Lynette

      • Notetaker: tamsin