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    Dial: +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll) or +1 669 900 6833 (US Toll)
        Meeting ID: 845 699 570 
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  1. Additions to the agenda

  2. Annual fundraising call check-in
    1. Status check:  DuraSpace have fundraising text for Samvera-only and Samvera+Fedora calls.  Issue date put back until after Easter
    2. Do we want to put out our own call on the Community and Partner lists?  After the DuraSpace cycle (so as not to confuse)?

  3. Connect Sponsorship
    1. Draft report has been circulated. Tomorrow is the closing date for objections/comment.  None received so far.
    2. Should plan for WG to start seeking sponsorship asap (certainly before our next call which is a month away - see #7)
    3. The website front-end for Connect 2019 is up at with links to various wiki pages (which are currently placeholders).  We need to produce text similar to for the 'Sponsors' page.  I think we should also look closely at their "benefits" table (on the same page) as we may want to massage ours slightly.

  4. Follow-ups on Danielle Robinson discussion re. funders
    1. Status check

  5. Lightning talk update for Samvera Virtual Connect 23 April - Karen
    1. Status check

  6. Interim WG report for Partner Meeting 29/30 April
    1. Circulated yesterday ahead of Partner Meeting

  7. Next calls
    1. Tuesday 30 April
      1. Cancelled  - clashes with Partner Meeting in Indianapolis.
    2. Tuesday 14th May
      1. Jon can't make it due to schedule conflict


Fundraising call check in:  

Val Hollister has the text - DuraSapce is sending out in a week or so

Do we want to put out our own calls on the lists?  - Yes.  Would occur after the DuraSpace calls.  

1-on-1 calls?  - a spreadsheet of the partners and past contributions - list of key people amonst those partners who would be useful or beneficial to contact?  

Google Sheet (owned by Richard) - add context to that sheet, contact names - (Jessica surfaced the sheet) - 

Take every institution on the list

DuraSpace email - community email - personalized email - 

AI:  create a Google sheet - who is the contact at each location - Hannah will take Hannah Frost

AI: Draft the template email that can be customized - Jon Dunn Jon Dunn

Once sheet is created - will jointly take on, crowd-source 

produce the voting list for names, and Rosalyn's list (AUL)


Draft report has been sent out - April 8th, sponsorship report sent to Partners

Start figuring out how to reach out to some of these potential sponsors

Action Items

    • create a spreadsheet of whom to reach out to - sponsor list, track, identify which ones they are willing to contact - Karen Cariani will create Karen Cariani
    • develop actual invitation to sponsor - Jess can create a letter and form Jessica Hilt

Following up with St. Louis to make sure we're in touch - 

  • Emily Stenberg
  • Diana Bell
  • Deborah Ehrstein

Lightning Talk

Slides ready to go - AI rsteanswill drop in slides created by Karen Cariani


Interim WG report - fundraising/ sponsorship for Connect - Richard finished

Jon - will develop a presentation for partners

May 14th - Jon Dunnis not available  - will see if he can pull a Doodle Poll 

Next meeting on May 7th